7th March 2011, 17:15

School is stressing me out SO much! Yesterday, I was so stressed that my blood pressure had raised to the point I could loudly hear the blood pumping through my head, it was horrible.So I went into school, asked for an extension on my coursework and left at dinner. I know that I work too hard and that it's probably not healthy, but I guess it's just in my nature. I did have Italian however, and...
March 7th, 2011 at 06:21pm

5th March 2011, 22:31

My birthday was nothing special. Only one of my friends remembered, the girl who I've known the longest, and she gave me a card.Other than that, school has been completely overtaking my life! I was at a university all day today to attend lectures about Criminology, which was alright. I almost fainted, though. I didn't have any breakfast or dinner - unless you can count Capri Sun - but afterwards I...
March 5th, 2011 at 11:47pm

2nd March 2011, 22:19

Tomorrrow is my birthday.My friends made a last minute attempt at a 'present' today before they forgot, so we're going to go and eat at Pizza Hut after extra classes on Saturday. I know I shouldn't be angry at them because they don't know about the anorexia, but I'm so scared.I feel like everyone is always watching me eat. I know how that seems like I think the world revolves around me, but I...
March 2nd, 2011 at 11:23pm

1st March 2011, 18:58

I'm going to try this website out. I read some really amazing things on here, and I guess I just want somewhere where I can actually get things off my chest.It's not new to me, though, I used to have a 'personal' Tumblr. But I was careless, and a girl who used to be one of my friends found it. She then gave everyone the link so everyone could have a lovely little giggle at my expense. I mean,...
March 1st, 2011 at 08:05pm