About me

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Hello, this is Stefanie's best friend Jojo, and I would love to tell you a little bit about Stefanie. XD Well, first off; she's totally obsessed with zombies. I mean, it's bad. All I ever hear about is zombies this zombies that. She also has Coulrophobia- which if you didn't already know is a fear of clowns. So don't post any clown related things here, kay? She also loves horror movies, and almost had a heart attack when she ordered the Saw box set. I think that saw is stupid, but hey who asked me? ANYWAYS: Stefanie is an awesome, fun loving and downright amazing girl. So, talk to her and give her lots of love and loads of comment rape. :D ~Jojo. I love poetry and I think it is amazing. I'm not the best but check out some of poems. Lots of love and care, Stef.

I don't have anything posted yet, but my friend does! I Kind of Admire Your Sick Sense of Humor Check it out!

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