If I were a...

If I were a book, would anyone one read me?Dive into the depths of my story,taking in every word?Or would they judge me by my cover,and put me back on the shelf,after skimming the first few pages?If I were a song, would anyone listen to me?Memorize my lyrics,and sing me everyday?Or would they listen to me once,forget my verses and they're meaningonly vaguely recalling my tune?If I were a necklace,...
April 7th, 2011 at 12:02am

Stupid Pain.

3/14/11She makes me cry but doesn't see my tears.I hide my pain but it seems like no one cares enough to notice I'm actually hurting.I'm jealous when it's stupid to be. I should be happy that my friend getting close to another friend since I don't see her as often but I just get mad that I don't know everything that's going on. She got glasses, I didn't find out that she even needed them until the...
March 15th, 2011 at 03:15am