So Far So Good. ;D

Summer is going pretty well so far. Even though it only has been like two days. First day that I was school free, I had to go back to school to finish a dress I had been work on, in fashion class, for the last two weeks. Now I'm finished, and it looks great. :D Then just today, I got to do my sister's hair for her grade eight grad, and it also looked great. :PI am sooooo excited for the rest of...
June 25th, 2008 at 09:12pm

Now Finished.

I'm now finished my first short story. I am so proud of myself. :PAnd I'm printing it out and sending it in some competition to see how well it goes. Lol.I believe the first prize is $2500, not sure about second and third, but it would be pretty amazing if I came first. Aha, doubt I will though, but it's always good to keep a postive attitude. To be honest, I just was people to read my story,...
May 3rd, 2008 at 02:15am

Was Bumped By A Car Today.

Today, I had my first experience of getting bumped by a car.It was nothing big, I was crossing the street, some old lady somehow didn't see me, and she moved up and bumped my left leg right at the knee. It hurt so bad. Now my leg is all sore and stiff, but I'll live.I thought it was kind of funny though, because getting hit by a car is something I thought would never happen to me. I had to try...
April 15th, 2008 at 02:12am

Damn You Boredom.

Once again, boredom has got me in its grasp. There's no way to escape it.Even though there probably is, but I'm too lazy to figure a way out. Which is probably why I'm bored in the first place. Aha..But yeah, I did have plans but it seems my friend has continued on with her plans without me. Which is fine, but I would have loved to have joined in. Oh well. Next time I guess.All I have going for me...
April 12th, 2008 at 05:07am

I'm feeling good because I don't care!

Yes, it has finally happened. The curse of caring what people think of me is gone. Relief has come to me in tsunami like waves.It all happened yesterday. I was putting myself in a horrible mood, and that's when i realized, why do I care? The only opinions that should matter to me are my friends, my family, and most importantly, myself.I will no longer be affected negatively by insults from people...
March 28th, 2008 at 01:00am