My Best friend

My best friend is BellaMarieeC aka Celia she is my only best friend i love her. She is like My sister, wish she was my sister. She portects me like how a sister always does and helps me alot. Everyone in the world must have a best friend right? If not i dont know how you could do it. It would be so hard because if there is something i dont want to tell me sister or anyone in my family i tell...
March 10th, 2011 at 04:05am


Life, Life can be so unperdictable like scrapping your knee or liking the new boy at school.Well i guess we have all had those experiences. Some experiences and can be good some might even be bad but thats life right? Life can be unfair at times like when your parents accuse you of doing something you didnt do or when you breaking your foot before the big championship game. Well we had good...
March 9th, 2011 at 04:20am


Hello all,My head hurts i guess its from all the stress i am in. Like getting good grades in school or just dealing with drama. Well im in that situation everyday. Do you ever wonder why it has to be you because i think about that everyday. Like Drama were should i start...... its like everyday :( but thank god i have friends and family that support me through it if i never had any friends or...
March 9th, 2011 at 03:40am