Day O1 - Your Favorite Song

Favorite song. Like for shizzle. Nobody has a favorite song and can keep them for too long.Mine switches everyday; Oh yeah thats right.But one that like NEVER EVER gets like FO NEVER old is Fuck. Yes. By Bring Me The Horizon.I freakin' adore that song. The lovely song about sexual intercourse ;DIt's a great song to put on for your boyfriend in a public area to shake him up a bit....
June 6th, 2011 at 06:03am

Poop On A Stick

I feel like typing. Hi :) I like watermelon but sometimes I dont. I like to chew gum and then end up playing with it. I dont really know how to tie my shoes. So I just make some sort of odd knot and cut them really short. I dont wear them correctly either. The tongue/flap comes out which makes everyone look at them funny. Many people dont get my hair either. It has Paramore orange in it, and I...
March 10th, 2011 at 10:39pm