Building My Own Personal Hell

I have made one of my own personal hell this weekend. Me and my (ex) boyfriend were fighting this weekend and I completely messed up. I found out Jesse was using drugs again. So I got mad, extremely, and this was our conversation:Me: You are just a hypocrite, you want to yell at me for using but you have using more than me your a liar and a hypocrite and I don't want to be with some one who does...
September 15th, 2015 at 04:19am


On Sunday I was at my loves house and we were on "bars" which are xanex and after a day of pure perfection of being together. We always have a connection when we have sex, kiss, or hug. I wish i can remember more of it i just remember we fell asleep together with him holding me.I come home and go to sleep to wake up the next morning to a text from his brother saying he was baker acted. I wont hear...
June 18th, 2013 at 11:38pm

So Long and Good Night

It's really sad when you fall for someone who is so evil tricks. I love that I let my ex hurt me so much. I let him jut rip my heart apart seam by seam.A month ago me and my ex boyfriend started to talk again and we were just going to be friends. We talked that first night till 4 in the morning. Just talking about our past.Then we began to hang out, I knew he had a girlfriend but I didn't expect...
May 24th, 2013 at 07:29pm

How much pain can a heart take in one day?

For people who have a problem with cursing just go ahead and press the return button because im venting from my heart, im no saint so I curse worst than a sailor. For those people who dont care about cursing, thank you and please dont judge. I made it so people can't comment on it because I dont like to read hate comments sometimes.Today was one of the most emotional days of my life.1. My...
January 19th, 2012 at 04:55am