excuse me rant the second and probably not the last.

why do we even believe in love if we know it is destined to end. all the couples in school with their little heart necklaces saying the date their love began. if you put a date on it aren't you counting time. and if you are isn't the point of time is to understand that it will end one day. and if so then by logic aren't you counting down the time you have together. love is the thing that everyone...
December 8th, 2011 at 01:53am

excuse my rant

I hate guys because they confuse you and make you believe fairy tales. They trick you into believing that they really care but they just keep the act up till they get what they want and leave you broken hearted on the side of the road. Worst of all is when they see you and try and trick you again/ We do not live in a fairy tale. there are no prince charms that are going to hold us in their arms...
November 10th, 2011 at 11:11pm

Opening my eyes

so i finally trust someone completely and give them everything. well not everything but you know what i mean. i gave him my heart and my trust. i thought i had something that no one had ever had. i know stupid right. i let my romantic heart get in the way of my mind.Now i am left broken hearted and my parents don't trust me know because of what i did for him. i finally realized he is a jackass. he...
October 22nd, 2011 at 07:27pm

A longing

L-O-V-E a simple word used to describe emotion for a person. That is the definition to a person who has never felt it. In my little world of high school a lot of students know that definition. Then there are a few who know that feeling. When you hear him say it to you. A rush goes through your body and you have to take a deep breath to hold yourself up. OK, maybe it is only me who feels that way...
June 21st, 2011 at 09:31pm

Not knowing

Those moments when you think you can't take it any more you have to tell him the truth. you have to say i love to him. To let him know what happens to your body when he just crosses your mind. How much you want him to pull you close and hold you a inch from his face to put everything you each have into one kiss. One kiss that can last a life time . A kiss that shocks both of you.But how many of...
April 30th, 2011 at 10:04pm