Tonka Toy Tragedy / Comments

  • TwiXxbby'

    TwiXxbby' (100)

    United States
    haha srry i hvent been on lately and im happy for you!!!!
    April 9th, 2011 at 01:43am
  • KillMeSweetly

    KillMeSweetly (100)

    United States
    Watched one of my favorite shows, read, and talked to friends pretty much.
    April 3rd, 2011 at 09:23pm
  • WhenWeWish

    WhenWeWish (100)

    United States
    Haha so does Justin, thats why he had a "boxed meal" my pouring the milk into the bag in the box. When my mom came in we were dead silent and Jared was like... Hey mom, guess what? And she was like what? And justin yelled, I'm having a boxed meal!! And she busted out laughing.

    Hey now! Our horses are quite healthy (: so have fun competing with them (: haha juuusssttt kiiiddddiiinnngggg love. =D And yeessss!!!! Jessi wins! Again! wait... this is the first time.... Darn.

    Haha I'm glad you do. How tall are you?
    And haha, thats nothing compared to soccer... My brothers joke around saying they don't even know the girl with the same last name out there :D
    And i don't think i'll have to show them, they can probably tell just by looking at my body. Well cept for me tummy. I"m working on that part.

    And you suggested it because, I"m awesome (: its hard to resist my awesomness. Here you want some? I've got too much. (; haha just kiiddinnnggg. And idk, military has always been of interest for me. My brothers were always afraid to go up and talk to them, but me, i just walked straight up to them, I mean they're in military! they can't be mean!!

    And NO! You got it allllll wrong. You're my best friend and I'm just some loser who you have realllllyyy long comments on here with. =P haha jusstt kidddinnggg. I LOVE YOU TOO!! <33
    April 3rd, 2011 at 04:30pm
  • Audience Of One.

    Audience Of One. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You seriously make me LAUGH OUT LOUD
    'Yumm-skittly-umsious!' where do you get all these
    The only thing I can cook successfully is egg fried rice or just egg xD
    D'you know I went to bed yesterday at 3am STILL doing my art work? This better pay off

    Then my dear man, I shall call you Thomas The Great!!
    (dont even know where that came from)
    Shiiiiiiit - I was gonna wake up early to cook breaky, right? Well's nearly half past 10 and the mother is up. Daaaaamn. Forgot to set an alarm :>

    Additionally, we literally don't have 'OJ' here :< <3
    April 3rd, 2011 at 11:27am
  • WhenWeWish

    WhenWeWish (100)

    United States
    crud i did the last sentence of yours. Dag gum it!
    April 3rd, 2011 at 06:43am
  • WhenWeWish

    WhenWeWish (100)

    United States
    Why am i so insane? O.o?

    haha i totally understand, i normally only have mine with cereal in the morning.
    or if my mom brings it when i'm getting home from musical then heading straight to soccer.
    And at least you drink it, you need strong bones for being a Marine!! (:

    Haha, thanks,i don't think its quite adorable when you need a stepy thingy to get your foot in the stirrup of your horse :/ Everybody thinks that about me. Possibly because i beat almost everyone of the girls in the "fitness gram" thing we do at our school. Its crappy.

    I had to mention that because duh, women can serve too! Haha (: <3

    And you are insaine because you're well... Tommy Boy, my bestfriend (:
    April 3rd, 2011 at 06:43am
  • WhenWeWish

    WhenWeWish (100)

    United States
    what!? how can you not like milk!? wow... you really are insaine my dear friend.
    and yeah but then i would be like 32 before i graduated college, because i want to be a pediatric surgeon and phew... it would take FOREVER! well it already is... haha (:
    and me, marines!? i'm tiny, pewny, 5' 3''! remember!?

    And yes! yes i do have a phone (: duh, i'm a teenager! Lol. And nahhhh... i don't text. what are you talking about!? Lol, yes i text. possibly more then i should :O

    and this is true, i think being in any field of the military you create brotherly *cough cough* and sisterly *cough cough* bonds.
    And yes, yes you are insaine. (:
    And i ALWAYS cherish my time with my brothers. Just now more so.
    April 3rd, 2011 at 04:51am
  • KillMeSweetly

    KillMeSweetly (100)

    United States
    That sounds like a lot of fun! Also sounds better than what I did. Haha
    April 3rd, 2011 at 12:11am
  • Audience Of One.

    Audience Of One. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I knoooow :C
    The sun was so gorjuss *sigh*
    I don't think we'll see that again for another couple of weeks x)
    'Oh cheese and crackers' LOL
    I think i'll steal that from yous x)

    Okay, Thomas Whitlock, aka - reincarnated Gordon Ramsay, how do you cook? xD
    VEGAS?! are you serious?! DAAAAANG
    That sounds freakin' awesome!! x)
    Have you been there?
    When you're home alone, go to the kitchen and drink straight out of the carton. You'll feel like a true badass xDD
    April 2nd, 2011 at 11:47pm
  • Audience Of One.

    Audience Of One. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Susie is thanking you very muchly for the photo comment :3 <3
    HAHA I remember those good old days when my mind was still innocent. :')
    Honestly, I have no idea what got my mind so dirty but I take very clean things pervertedly.
    Well, England is known for its shit weather. I stayed in today so I could do my art work (it's due monday so I was a very good nerd :) ) and then what happens? The sun comes out.
    It's been raining all week and when saturday comes (hehe..."comes" - you see how dirty my mind is?! haha) anyways, when saturday comes and i decide to stay in, mr sun arrives. grrrrrr
    'twas so beautiful outside :'<

    Thanks hun, your advice made me better :)

    Its Mothers Day tomorrow and I spent my money on friday shopping. So im broke and mommy won't be getting anything apart from a card. I feel so bad, so to make up for it, i'll be waking up at 6am to make her a Full English Breakfast. (At least i'll try) - I don't cook like, AT ALL. I'll burn water. xD

    Hows your week been ? :)
    April 2nd, 2011 at 10:57pm
  • WhenWeWish

    WhenWeWish (100)

    United States
    Awww (: thanks <3 and i'll try.

    Haha! This is very true... But the only thing i'll be getting from them is fertilizer and fresh milk :D

    And nope, nobody is talking him out of it. I haven't tried because I've thought about military too. I'm thinking possibly Army or Air Force. Maybe Marines, buuuttt I want to be a doctor so yeah.

    My brothers are my best friends! I don't understand why girls do that! I mean suure sometimes I act as if I don't know them but its kind of hard to not love being around them. (: And its okay, my mom and brothers cussed him out for it. And now we don't argue, because I always win now, i just have to throw that into his face and storm off to my room or go for a run. And its not the first time and probably won't be the last. So i'll get over it.

    And yeah! That would be awesome! If you met him you'd probably feel as if he's your own brother. Jake has one of those personalities that everytime you see him you can't help but smile or want to go say Hi to him. (:

    And what are you talking about Tommy!? Are you insaine!? haha juuusssttt kiddding. <3 And like i said, i do EVERYTHiNG with my brothers. People almost never see me without them. True it will, but right now i'm just cherishing them while they're here (:
    April 2nd, 2011 at 10:27pm
  • KillMeSweetly

    KillMeSweetly (100)

    United States
    Bored. Simply bored.
    And you?
    April 2nd, 2011 at 07:40pm
  • WhenWeWish

    WhenWeWish (100)

    United States
    haha sorry about the top part that was your comment. :/
    i never remember what anyone types as their comment. and mine starts at the awwww thanks (: <3
    April 2nd, 2011 at 06:49pm
  • WhenWeWish

    WhenWeWish (100)

    United States
    Well might i say you look Dashing in that photo!
    I honestly don't think you would need make-up. You look great the way you are! =D

    Well then i won't feel dumb. =3

    Wow, Airforce or Marines, when will he be joining?
    And so you going to be all alone for some time. =C I don't enjoy being alone.
    Its painful.
    Why do you hate tonight?
    Something happen?

    Aww, i always enjoy speaking to you! <3

    Awwww thanks <3 (: my brothers tell me that all the time but half the time i don't believe them because i'm covered in mud or hay.

    and good (: because you're not dumb. you wanna look at dumb go look at the cows my father wants to buy. XD

    this coming school year. maybe even this summer so he can complete H.S. and stuff. And yes ): i'll be alone pretty much all the time and the only people i trust in my family are my brothers.
    Call it sad, i know but thats the truth. My mom flips out if i even talk about hanging out with someone, and all my Dad cares about is his 3 strapping young, sons, who can do everything! Ugh... It gets annoying. We were arguing the other night and he told me that I was a mistake, that I was suppossed to be a boy or not even be here. I cried myself to sleep that night in my barn. :/

    and i hated last night because my Dad and my brothers were arguing, about How he doesn't want Jake to go into military. But Jake has his mind made up. And then i hated it because we were playing The Game of Life, and it made me realize how fast my life was changing. :(

    i mean my brothers are all going to be gone within the next 2 years.
    April 2nd, 2011 at 06:48pm
  • Audience Of One.

    Audience Of One. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    We do love up the winter but it can get pretty annoying: What with the whole, Wind + Hair = Beginning of a shit day
    I don't look immature? Dang. I have a VERY dirty mind though. Worryingly dirty. Someone needs to get a mob and some like, solution and clean me up.
    But not the annoying type of immature like, "OMG wouldn't it be fun running around outside with teddy bears in our hands?!" That is just like - Pimp Slap In The Face Type Of Annoyance x)
    The reason England is so excited for the upcoming summer is because we hardly EVER see the sun without f'cking rain following after ¬_¬
    My cold is getting better though. hun <3
    April 2nd, 2011 at 10:37am
  • WhenWeWish

    WhenWeWish (100)

    United States
    haha thanks (: it was the first day i actually got to wear shorts this spring break! and the first one that i don't have to put on make-up to not look like i just woke up. :/

    haha, true true. and i know (:
    and don't feel dumb, trust me, my brothers and i have done faaaarrr worse. in public. so shush (:

    waaahhh ): the twins (oldest) are talking about their trip up to college ): i don't know what i'm going to do with out them.
    and then my other brother, also older, is talking about Air Force or Marines, like you. and i support him i just... i'm gonna be all lonely ): i'm going to hate it. i go to them for everything, guy problems, homework. HOMEWORK! ahhh!!! ughhhhh... i hate tonight... i really do...
    well except for talking to you (:
    April 2nd, 2011 at 06:31am
  • mmelaniey99

    mmelaniey99 (150)

    Haha, that's good to know! :) I hate when someone gets hurt or sick on trips :( It's not fun at all! Been there, done that :S and haha, don't get too excited about traveling, Mr. Fearless Protector! ;)

    And well, it's not the immature drama that makes school sucky, but it's all the work, stress, expectations, grades and everything else related to those things. I'm glad that u made up the work and the time! Hope everything goes well in the coming months so that u'll graduate and be done with school once and for all! :)

    Oh, i can keep a conversation going, but i'm not wise at all! :P

    I'll definitely be supporting u :) I know how it feels like trying to prove that u can achieve anything, so don't give up! :) If u ever need reassurance, i'm alway here to give u reasons to keep on going ;D
    And that's true, one of my favorite quotes says "I'm a lover, not a fighter; but I'll fight for what I love." It's worth fighting for something that u love, hope for or believe in :)

    So how has ur week been? :)
    April 1st, 2011 at 11:18pm
  • WhenWeWish

    WhenWeWish (100)

    United States
    haha (: its not, but i'm only like 5' 4'' so yeah :/ musclular and sexy guys scare me. Lol,

    and woot woot! haha i totally understand though, my grandparents on my father's side are Catholic, and they used to be like that, except they tried to convert me over to Catholisim. (i have no idea if thats what it's called but oh well) and then i finally had to sit them down and tell them that i'm a christian,,
    not a catholic,
    there's reasons for it. and then they finally realized it. and haha i like how you changed the f word on your about me section to symbols (:
    April 1st, 2011 at 07:26pm
  • Audience Of One.

    Audience Of One. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh you don't
    I can come off as immature sometimes, but that's just me :)
    It's spring over here, theres no sun, i think it's gonna rain soon, its kinda dark outside. Takes the f'cking piss tbh (excuse my french ^_^)
    But it was sunny 2 weeks ago - I mean the really awesome sun, but then everytime the sun comes out, everyone gets ill over here LOL <3
    April 1st, 2011 at 10:10am
  • Audience Of One.

    Audience Of One. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The silly self is awesome. Don't you forget.
    You're never immature - just fun :)
    LOL your confusion just then was hilarious
    '6am?!?!?!' LOL
    It's about like...1am or midnight there right? :) <3
    April 1st, 2011 at 07:55am