Oh Jesus. I'm Really Really Scared.

Fuck...Mark is having an episode...like, a crazy bipolar moment. On msn he was saying that he was hurting himself, because he hurt me...and I was like NO dude no, I love you, you didn't hurt me....then he had this episode and i was calling him and I said I would call back in 5 minutes I'm so scared....Oh man. what do I do. Help me. what if he kills himself like he was threatening to do???I will...
December 19th, 2008 at 04:01pm

If a Tree Falls and No One is Around to Hear it...Does it Make a Sound?

...And if every living creature dies, will existence itself cease to be?They're both rhetorical questions...and they each have a deeper meaning for me.It's something I've been contemplating for a while now...Let's say, for example, that the latter is true. Then...would it's truth be proof enough that existence is futile? Perhaps, there really is no point to existence... and then again, if it's not...
December 7th, 2008 at 02:30pm

I Just Realised Something Disturbing...

I have a hate-list. -_-So here it is :D1. Chris!! my ex. he dumped me for some siliconed-up pincushion of a girl. Possible the fakest person you could ever meet. I was not amused.2. Hamish!! *sigh* I never, ever wanted to hate him. But today, it finally dawned on me....He's been fucking leading me on for, ooh, say, the past 6 months or so. And it wasn't until I was half way through typing this...
November 26th, 2008 at 12:29pm

Oh My, I Never Thought I would...

Like slash =/Lol. I've always been one of those people who get frustrated when the story page consists mainly of buttsecks...but....I have a confession to make. *blush*I think that Ryan Ross and Brendan Urie fucking each other is just so incredibly hot. Yes, here is yet another one of my sick fantasies.DAMN YOU MIBBA, YOU HAVE BROUGHT ME TO THE DARK SIDE WITH YOUR DELICIOUSLY HOTT, CHEAP...
November 26th, 2008 at 10:07am

Why Mark Doesn't Fail at Life. An Essay.

WHY I LIKE MARK THAN YOU AND HE IS NOT SHIT.I have decided to write this essay to prove to the world that Mark is funny, nice, attractive, intelligent and good in bed.I shall proceed to disprove the claims that have [allegedly] been made against him, stating that he is:A.) uglyB.) dumbC.) ‘bad at life’D.) a fagballs, per se, an idiotic, anti-social wanker.I shall begin by discussing statement...
November 26th, 2008 at 08:35am

My Toe is Sick D:

I had an ingrown toenail, and I had to get my toe anaesthesised. It feels so weird :)The doctor had to jab this massive, painful needle into my toe multiple times and I, like, almsot had an orgasm >_>Ok, so I get turned on by needles :DAnyway, everyone is having a splendid day today because I have a toe to amuse me, and I got my dad out of work for the day.Now, I'm creeping myself out by...
November 25th, 2008 at 02:05am

*** That Idea. I Give Up.

I'm really not cut out for writing stories. No matter how hard I try, I can't put my ideas into words. Sometimes, I begin to, then drag on and on until by the time I get to the point, I've already forgotten it.So I give up on the story I was going to write. Stupid thing to keep me up all night, besides, I would never finish it. I never ever finish stories. The first story I finished was my first...
November 21st, 2008 at 04:13pm

I have the answer, Now I need to know the question!

"When people fear the government, there is tyranny.When government fears the people, there is liberty."-Thomas Paine .What is the question? Per se, what is this the answer to?You see, I'm writing a new story in which a character uses this quote as an answer for an essay question or something of the like.And I'm kinda baffled as to what the question is...Any suggestions?I am incredibly retarded at...
November 21st, 2008 at 04:02pm

Someone ***ing help me I am so frustrated...really need help....HELP!!!!

Ok, I'm trying to make a layout for my profile.I have been trying to find a template or something, I've been at it all fucking day and it's just making it look more retarded!!!!>=[I DON'T UNDERSTAND CSS.God, someone help me before I shoot myself.And no, I can't post this in a forum. Because they banned me, for no reason.GAH.helphelphelp.I really just want to make a layout that has the...
November 21st, 2008 at 07:03am

It's 4:23 am. I Can't Sleep.

No one reads my journals.Sometimes, I wonder why I bother posting them.What's worse, people read them, but don't comment them. It makes me feel very boring, seeing as most other people's journals are retarded and uninteresting.Anyway, It's now 4:24 am here, and I'm pret-ty fuck-ing bored. What does one do this early in the morning?I started a new painting today. I will take a photo of it-well,...
November 19th, 2008 at 06:27pm

So, I'm a Scene Kid, DICTIONARY TIME!! read :)

I put a picture on my myspace in which I am doing the peace sign, and had a barricade of comments from guys at my school saying OMG YOU SCENE KID LOLFUCKING SCENESCENE, YOU LOSER!etc.so I thought I would make something clear.I posted this in a bulletin:SCENE KIDn.has:-choppy hair-usually black-septum ring-has a myspace with pictures of her from crazy angles with a TUFF face on because shes so...
November 19th, 2008 at 01:48pm

Schoolwork, Idiocy and the Downfall of Mibba.

Here's yet another journal I've managed to scrape from the bottom of my inspiration bucket.I did my school round tables today (it's a presentation where you talk with a teacher, your parents and a community member about your progress throughout the year) and I totally aced it :) top marks, and it counts for 50% of your total mark, so I reckon I've pretty much aced the year. Although, I will most...
November 19th, 2008 at 07:10am

I Had Sex on a Cricket Pitch

Lol.Thought I should post a journal, because it was a very amusing thing to do.We were kinda drunk and it was pretty dark out, so we had sex on the cricket pitch.And people were walking their dogs and they freaked out xDYeah, anyway, enough about my sex.I love Ani Di Franco o.oI've been listening to feminist music so I can feel better about myself. It helps me to get over asshole guys. Here's the...
November 16th, 2008 at 02:37pm

Lack of Original Fiction?

Ok, so I've seen a few journals about the annoying fact that people post their Jonas Brothers stories as original fiction.And, might I add, most 'original' stories are becoming less and less original.Basically, I for one am sick of retarded girl loves boy boy doesn't love girl/vampire boy falls in love with human girl scenarios, but y'know that's just me.So I've started writing a new story, it is...
November 15th, 2008 at 03:35pm

Sometimes I Wish We Could Just Pretend, Even if Just For One Weekend....

NEED TO VENT!!!I fucking miss him so much, it hurts...I miss the way he used to give me that doe-eyed-bambi-wathcing-his-mother-get-shot-and-dragged-into-a-truck look.I miss the way he would kiss me, look into my eyes for a second, then kiss me on the nose and smile.I miss him bitching about stuff.I miss the way we used to cuddle at night, like spooning but he would hold me real tight and kinda...
November 15th, 2008 at 12:23pm

And It Grows Darker With the Day...

I WANT:1.Green Day to go on tour2.Tickets to Nick Cave3.A hug4.Someone to talk to5.Something to do tomorrow6.Hard liquor7.For my glands to stop secreting eye-washing fluid8.Some form of food containing sugar9.Some form of reassurance10. Happy pills.I DON'T WANT:1. To keep thinking about him2. To feel shit.3. My computer to keep freezing.4. People to keep not talking to me and being boring.5. To...
November 14th, 2008 at 03:02pm

So Totally Unfair

So I got BANNED from posting on the board.Because APPARENTLY I was posting offensive messages, which I honestly don't recall doing.But nonetheless, I can't use the forums until next fucking year. I'm getting soooo sick of this stupid site.Anyone know of a writing site that isn't run by fascists?oh, and my journals have finally started working again. Yays.I just called my dad, and since he's going...
November 14th, 2008 at 06:15am

www.irrelevance.com, Absurdism, a Parrot and General Hilarity.

Tonight was the first night of the school drama production 'www.irrelevance.com'. I played paris hilton, an invisible person, the customer from the parrot sketch and a singer.In the parrot sketch scene, I fucked up majorly, it was highly hilarious.First, I walked onstageme: EXCUUUSE ME I WISH TO MAKE A COMPLAINT!me:....OH SHIT! I FORGOT MY PARROT! *retrieves cage from side of stage* I CAN'T DO...
November 11th, 2008 at 12:57pm


I love disorderI love messSometimes, I throw things around my room. Just so I have something to clean up afterwards.I just wanna see what happens when my world falls apart.I also seem to live my life this way; sometimes I say things to people I may not even mean, so I look like I'm learning the errors of my ways by fixing it afterwards.I'm going to seriously hurt myself one day. There is something...
November 9th, 2008 at 01:47pm

God, this makes me feel great. You should try it

i stole this off someone's journal. makes you feel great, you should try it!!INSTRUCTIONS: Write fifteen statements, intended to different people - things you've always wanted to tell them, but couldn't. Never tell which one is to whom.1. I fucked up. majorly. My silly material desires turned me away from you, and although I know that nothing I can say will fix what I broke, but I just want you to...
November 9th, 2008 at 01:12pm