"forget your problems, the innocence of what you are is what I want."

jasmine | eighteen | full of life & smiles
I live for life. I could rant for hours about myself, but I'll spare you the whole back story. This lifetime is all we have, so I'm making the best of it, no regrets. I live to make a change in this beautiful, crazy world. I learned to hide my tears with smiles. I've been through a lot in my years and it's not always easy sticking it out alone. And you see that smile plastered on my face? It means i'm strong enough to face this world on my own with the best mood and happiness a girl could ever ask for. I'm a fun, nice, sensible and caring person who does not dislike anyone. I love music. I basically eat, breathe, and sleep music. I have big passions for art, music, writing and just getting far in life. I love meeting new people and talking to everyone. I may have high standards, but it's just because I don't want to get hurt anymore. I actually care about this world and where I'm gonna end up. I have big dreams and I always stay strong.


| one lonely smoke |

@tigerbolts! layouts