No, the one thing on my mind.

No.This is the one word I want to yell across the world at the top of my lungs. I want to shriek it at the heavens so the stars in the sky will look down and question the pain they just heard.No."No," to the last girl who hurt me. You don't get a second chance because you're lonely. I don't have those feelings for you anymore. Our entire relationship was based off of something more than a...
September 13th, 2011 at 09:02am

Night Tears and Thoughts

Did I fuck up?That one thought is tearing my brain in two, straight down the middle. I had you, and you had me. Then, nothing. An emptiness in your words, in our talks. That beautiful face of yours is tearing my heart in two now. Why? Why does this one hurt so much?You were going to save me. The wounds I felt were patching up. I was honestly trying to be a better person, not to impress you, only...
July 3rd, 2011 at 10:36am

A smoke

I am lying in bed at 1:18 in the morning, fresh from watching the Social Network. As I rub my face, a thought streaks through my mind, "I could use a smoke,"Forgive me if you are reading this looking for some true value in what I have to say. I truly do not realize the purpose of these keystrokes. I only know that I must write my thought, less they eat my mind from the inside-out.I could use a...
May 8th, 2011 at 11:20am