About me

My name is Shantiel . But you can call me Tiny. But you, yeah you. You can just call me (; I'm a 5'0'' freshmen. My birthday is June 4th, I'm going to be 15. I currently have a wonderful cute boyfriend. I'm Jamaican, White, and Native American. My favorite color is pink. I like coloring, shopping, and watching movies. I don't like fakes, liars, or drama. I'd do anything for, my mains and the people I love. I j'dore pickles, cheesecake, and Arizonas. I'm a hopeless romantic, love is what my heart beats for. I love giving people advice on things. I'm a straight blonde, and proud to be. I'm so not even close to being a Barbie. Love me and I'll love you back honey. I like nick naming people it's fun, your my honey cakes.Favorite foods are; tater tots, nachos, cesar salads, and cucumbers. I love cherry lollipops, vanilla ice cream, and warm hoodies. I'm the not the fastest runner in the race, but at least I'll make it there. I hate arguing with my friends. I'm been told I'm trustworthy, innocent, and corny by many. I love reading books, books are love. And love ends wars, so lets read more books. Pasta salad, strawberry kiwi arizona, cookie dough ice cream, and raw cookie dough make my day. Balloons, colors, hearts, smiles, hugs, and smiles make my week. Teddy bears, friends, family, and love make my life. I'm a lover not a fighter. Drugs are bad and drinking is bad. I like everyone unless their rude, annoying, or gave me a reason not to like them. I'm really loud when I'm comfortable with you. I'm a hugger I love getting and receiving hugs. Oh and I love holding hands with people. It shows you care to me. Sharing is big in my book… especially with food. Turtles are freaking gangster. I love stuffed animals to death and beyond. I'm easy to scare, but yet I love scary movies. I love making quotes along with just writing stories. Leave a message or comment, I don't bite :D


Hearing:His voice?
Doing: Texting.
Writing: 16 Year Apology.

You gotta learn to laugh, it’s the way to true love.


16 Year Apology.
Genre: Young adult, romance, teen drama
Status: Active






High in the sky.
Love never waits.


Rounded edges idea from Allyssa at lieslikelullabies
Layout by Sean at hummingbird layouts