Older Brothers

Sure. They arent afraid to put you in a headlock or force you to smell your farts (no lie. He's 17. What'd you expect?), but most of the older brothers in the world secretly like you. WHAAA??? yes. I used to think my bro hated me and was, like, masochistic or something, but my mom told me something that shocked me. Shocked me to heck and back. I was being bullied by some b*****s and when he found...
April 13th, 2011 at 09:28pm


Not to sound snobbish or thinking highly of myself, but I've always been told I'm pretty. My friends complement me everyday at school and younger kids at school come up to me and say how pretty and nice I am (I got student of the month. Lol). But does that mean I've never been bullied by mean girls? HECK NO! I have been the victim of jealous girls forever. I am part of the "popular" group, but...
April 10th, 2011 at 04:36am