If you go, if you go
Let me know, let me know

bold italics underline strikethrough
Listening to : Dirty picture Remix :]]]]
Mood: Bored :o

That you’re gone
And you’re not coming back

Things I'll never say

'Cause I wouldn’t have that

Personal link

If you go, if you go
Let me know, let me know

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Well hello there stranger :] I'm Michelle , aka MichiMouse , aka Michi aka that girl who's username is hey_there_michi. I am a 17 year old girl who was born in the lovely month of March. I'm pretty much and all around sweet person. Sometimes I'm too nice for my own good and even slightly naive but ey , everyone has their flaws. There aren't many things I will write in here because if you want to really know me thenget to know me and comment me or message me. Oh, b.t-dubs I'M notAfrican American.I'm Dominican.
.Make-up .Leggings Piercings Tattoos Sweets Snow .Laying in the grass .Classic 90's movies .Comments:] .Tosh.O .Anime .Laughter Photography .Boys .Girls
.Assholes and Bitches Narcissistic people .Drama When it hits higher then 75. Being used

That you're gone
And you're not coming back

Tainted.Dirty.Unclean poem
Poem link

So I can have my heart back

Image by akuba on deviantart
Layout by Sean at hummingbird layouts