Lovely Insanity

Lovely Insanity
United States
Joined date
March 18th, 2011


Hey, my middle name is Lee (which I go by, and a lot of people just call me Christina-Lee or Christy, depending on how long they've known me). My user name is Lovely Insanity, abbreviated LI. I prefer Lee, just because it's so much easier.

Don't expect cookie-cutter stories, I try not to make you expect them. Don't expect me to stick with one theme, except maybe love, because I honestly believe it can happen.

Fantasy and fiction are so much damn better than real life that I can't get enough of them, and they are the main focus of stories I plan to write.

Aaaand, believe it or not, SWTT is the first story I have written past a chapter. So I apologize if the plot is odd or things are unorganized, but I am seriously as new as a baby's butt to this.


My favorite colors are bright green and purple, occasionally blue if it's a good day. Tangled and How to Train Your Dragon are the best animated movies out there! Let's see uhm . . . I like German, have taken classes, and would like to learn more Japanese, which I have taken no official classes for.


I do frequent updates, my current is Stay With Them Tonight, which I just FINISHED <3, and I will probably stick with updating one story at a time until I finish it, and then move on to the next one.

HEY. THE SEQUEL IS ALMOST HERE. <3 Subscribe for updates and previews and spam stuff.

Send me a link or the name of your story and I'll read it! Free of charge! (ha) I read things like kids consume candy.

Befriend me. I love people, and I don't bite. I will accept unless you are the creeper who lives in my basement (and I don't think you are).

Don't tell me skies the limit when there are footprints on the moon.