Aparently Boys Are More Important Then Your Sisters!

So does anyone have a b*tchy sister who is ten days younger then them, that is a slut, flirts with every guy and breaks up good relationship because they just can?Oh, no, just me? Then what a lucky person I am!My sister, who I have never asked anything of when it comes to guys completely ignored me when I asked her one simple thing. Prom is coming up soon and she wants someone to go with. Now it's...
May 14th, 2011 at 04:07am

Not just one of twelve: part 1

So, you probably want to know a little about me if your reading this.Well, for today I'll just tell you about my family, which is where my journal name comes from.Like the title implies, I am not just one of twelve, although I come from twelve. I have five older brothers, three younger brothers and three younger sisters. Yup, I have eleven siblings and I'm the oldest girl.If your like anyone else...
May 3rd, 2011 at 04:48am