Him Loveing Me :)

When he kisse's me i feel love in his lip's and when he hug's me i feel like nothing could ever hurt me and when he touche's me i feel like flying threw the sky and when he suprise's me by kissing me a couple of time's on the neck it's pure happiness comming from me :) so i hope this love never die's cause if it does i will die inside and out and i know tht is wht true love is about not feeling...
June 16th, 2011 at 07:06pm

The Boyfriend of my dream's

i thought the present was going to suck but since someone very inportant to me entered my life the world is so much better it's amazing how one person can make u feel safe and loved so much tht you could just take on the world and not be affraid to do so :) and it strange to think if i wouldnt have went to prom with my friend and strted to txt him and him be her brother from another mother then i...
June 1st, 2011 at 08:48pm

Mixed Feeling's and my puppet master

i like this guy and he know's it and i feel like he is just pulling me around on this invisible string and i'm his little puppet :( just there to play with for his amusement and im sick of it at time's >:( But then i realize that without him my world would be incomplete and a reck and boring, but i love my ex to death and then i love the puppet master too? love sure is a strange thing u could...
May 5th, 2011 at 07:18am

Wish i and loving him and waiting

Wish i could change the past to make the future better..Wish i could go back and fix my mistakes.Wish i could tell him my feeling's for him with out destroying our friendship.Wish i had the courage to say what i feel..Wish i could go baqck to December 29th and slow time down to enjoy the man i loved and stil do love and tell him,how much he ment to me and how much he mean's to me now :( but im in...
April 23rd, 2011 at 05:55am

Missing Him

Well i thought i was over him,but im not..everytime i laydown at night he come's to mind and then i wish i was by his side holding his hand and sitting on the couch with him holding or rubeing my leg..i miss him,i hate him,i love him..Which one do i choose? idk... i just know it wouldn't be easy filling tht spot with another hand to hold mine when all along it's his hand i will be longing for at...
March 25th, 2011 at 02:00pm