I just got my braces on today...

hooray...=[they are annoyingthey touch the inside of my liparghhhI hate themfood gets stuck in my bracesgrawrthis sucksI wish I didn't need then =[ah wellthe sooner the betteronly 18-24 months till they are offgrrrrrit's gonna be a looooooong two years:(
September 28th, 2007 at 04:46am

My ex bf wrote me a poem...

You Were My everything, but yet i threw you awayand why, i do not know, i regret it every daywithout you i dont know what i am,but i do know what im notim not happy at all, and i sure miss you alotwhat a fool i am for not seeing the thingto which my life, happyness can forever bringif you haven't guessed by now, let me tell you its truei am so sorry baby, and I do, I really do, Love you.what do ya...
September 23rd, 2007 at 09:51am

my bf just broke up with me.

I feel so numb. my eyes hurt so much from crying. he was the world to me. why?
September 9th, 2007 at 12:14pm

my head hurts bad x_x

so, I'm in my room with a major head ache. My room is next to my sister's. I'm trying to learn how to sing this one song in spanish... my sister is pissed off because she can hear me through the walls, even though I'm not loud at all. so, in spite, she decides to turn on the loudest song with the loudest bass at max volume. all I hear is the THUD THUD THUD of the bass. that's great for my head...
August 15th, 2007 at 12:53pm

Dream Diary 17

August 10 200711:35 PM17th Dream Diary entryThis dream was interesting...I dreamed I entered a real haunted house, it was said there were evil spirits inside. I entered with my purse. my purse held my glasses, a small camera, and something else of importance that I can't remember. The house was haunted, and people went there to see if they could catch pictures of ghosts.I walked in and I climbed...
August 11th, 2007 at 11:42am

What did you say?!? LMAO

I was talking to my friend online, and he can speak Spanish. I only know a little bit, I wanted to say "Que tengo catorce años" which means, I am fourteen years old. But, I didn't have the accent mark for años, and so I said "Que tengo catorce anos" instead, and he started laughing, so I looked up a Spanish translator...Que tengo catorce años = I am fourteen years old.Que tengo catorce anos = I...
July 4th, 2007 at 02:12am


I am in so much pain right now.wahah.It hurts to moveeeeeeenext time I'm going to put tons of sun lotion on before I go swimming.whyyyy did I not put sun lotion on...now I'm putting Aloe Vera on... but that's not doing muchack I'm beat redmy shoulders are so redwellthis sucks.
June 18th, 2007 at 02:12am

updated Daily Life of Dracula's Kid.

I've updated Daily Life of Dracula's Kid, it'd be nice if you could read it and comment. Comments are always lovely. You don't want me to have to make another journal ranting about how no one comments. So comment. Now. Please. xPAlso look into Beyond The Flesh, it just got good and no one's reading. =/
June 10th, 2007 at 02:53am

Dream Diary 16

June 8 200710:13 PMSorry I haven't posted one in a long time. As if anyone cares. Been busy. Or just lazy. I watched Candyman the other day. This is the first time I actually had a movie nightmare. One bad dream, one.. good dream?I dreamed another late dream. I dreamed I woke up late, My sister yelled, "You missed the bus! There it is!" I ran to the window and saw a ghostly bus almost crash into...
June 9th, 2007 at 04:14am

Summer so far

Sitting in my room which is knee deep in clothes and other junk, listening to decorators arguing. They are painting my bathroom. They're from Kentucky, and I can barely understand them. I swear they talk just like Boomhaur from King of the Hill. All three of them. I kid you not.It's about 90 degrees, humid, and raining. It was thunder storming and lightning a bit ago - nope, just started back up...
June 8th, 2007 at 08:29pm


June 8th, 2007 at 05:28pm


I absolutely hate my history teacher, Mrs. Jan...Okso, she passed out papers, right.. I got back my outline, I got a 95 on it. Alright, I'm happy about that. Well, I looked for what I did wrong and she marked the top part where the roman numeral is supposed to go. The paper was stapled and the roman numeral was behind it.So she marked it wrong when I actually had the roman numeral there, she...
May 24th, 2007 at 03:56am

Dream Diary 15

April 26 20075:53 AMThis dream started out, I was watching a movie. I don't remember which one but I was watching it with my dad and my sister. The movie ended and my sister went to go to the bathroom. I put in another movie. I waited for my sister but I played it anyway. There were two ladies, they were sewing designs on aprons. I remember seeing designs of heads of animals, like a cow or a cat,...
April 26th, 2007 at 11:53am

Current mood: Angry

No ones' even read my newest chapter of "Beyond The Flesh." I'm kinda pissed off at that.On another note, my homework for English class was to write a poem. I wrote one, and posted it on Mibba. Check it out please? It's called 'Love is a Lie."Had a short dream the other day, I dreamed I was in this fun house. I was jumping, bouncing around a lot, like the floor was a trampoline. We were playing...
April 26th, 2007 at 12:14am

Dream Diary 14

April 23 20075:47 PMI had an odd dream today. Just one, and it was a short scene of Derrick.((DERRICK IS FROM MY STORY "Daily Life of Dracula's Kid." This doesn't really spoil anything it just has a character from my story in my dream. Maybe you should read my story, hmm?))Derrick was in my kitchen, with a small bag of unpopped popcorn. He was heading towards the microwave. He saw a spider on top...
April 23rd, 2007 at 11:53pm

Dream Diary 13

April 20 20076:13 AMWarning: my dream was very disturbing today...It started out as two kids needing fast money, so they decided to take care of/babysit animals. So the first job was to babysit a HUGE dog. They played fetch with it but the dog was so huge the two kids just seemed to get smaller and smaller compared to the dog. Eventually the kids turned into mice. The mice hid away from the dog,...
April 20th, 2007 at 12:15pm

Dream Diary 12

April 19 20075:49Had a really weird dream last night... Or rather, just as I was waking up... Okay, anyways.I dreamed that I was in class... The class was filled with kids, one or two I know from school and the rest was random people to fill the class with. The teacher was there, my 2nd hour student teacher (history). Anyways, she was talking about how right now was a great time in history.She was...
April 19th, 2007 at 11:48am

I hate it when people don't comment

I also hate it when people advertise their stories on a journal saying just "Hey I updated please go check and comment."But ah well, I'm advertising my story also on the journals. I updated 'Beyond The Flesh'. Go comment. Please. I don't want my story to crash and burn. I will see about updating it again tomorrow. It isn't that long.Please take the time to read the two chapters. Each chapter is...
April 18th, 2007 at 12:36am

People should comment more

First chapter of Beyond The Flesh has been posted.COMMENT, DAMNIT.kthx.Hah, anyways yea please read it. The first chapter is only one page long. It'll take you 1-3 minutes to read. Come on. You know you want to. Dooooo iiiiiiiiit. I mean seriously. No one is too busy they can't read for 2 minutes of an awesome story about a vampire, zombies and a kid who can morph. That's high quailty stuff right...
April 17th, 2007 at 04:52am

News about my lack of updating & stuff

As if anyone would care to know anyway, it's not like you read my stories...Anyways, if anyone cares to know why I haven't been updating is because I have been working on this story involving Drakken (Damiens brother) and Jake, also in my story (aka in the book series Animorphs). Oh yea. And zombies.I will get around posting it eventually. I haven't had the time. I don't know when I'll start...
April 16th, 2007 at 12:25pm