NxtStopAtrocity / Comments

  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    No worries, I won't give up on this story until it's done and over with, I promise!
    I'm glad you liked the chapter, thaaaank you for waiting so long for it.
    And the 'problem' isn't actually a problem, just a lot of excitement, haha, so it's not that bad, but I just felt so bad that I was gone for so longgg.
    But thank you still, so so so sooo much.
    June 13th, 2012 at 12:45am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Same xDD So good.

    Thank you :3 Ohh, you're so smart to do that well at maths! I was terrrible at it. I dropped at the end of year 10, so in year 11 and this year I don't have to do it. Same with all the sciences and geography. Sew good. :')
    That's good the kinda dumber kids get an easier paper :] Confidence boost!

    Wowwww, what the hell the UK sucks in that! That's so unfair you can't go back to college unless you pay! What! It's not like it's University, it's just finishing school! That's so stupid. I can't believe that :s

    Thanks again <3 I just hope I can keep it up shgjsdkghs.

    True :) I dropped in to see them at lunch today. Out of a group of 8 of us, only 2 were there. -.- Guess why? Because the swimming carnival got cancelled (damn itttttttttt) and it was raining so the others didn't go to school. Ridiculous. But I sat with them (my twin sister and friend Karina) for the rest of lunch. It was nice. :)
    But I think you've got the right idea, ya'know :)

    Wow! You're crazy good at bass for knowing so many songs and you've only been playing for a year! That's insane. You sound so brilliant :D

    I actually really am, yes! :D Let me know as soon as you've made any progress on it. :}


    LOL. Noo :( Gaga isn't a man! xD
    And yes! Omfg yes they are amazing live. I was like 'wow'. I just, halfway through the show I realised Gerard was actually singing live, and they were actually playing live, and it sounded the exact same, if not better. So yeah, it really was good! Not to mention fun :D
    LOL that balloon story omg hahahaha I reeally hope the real Mikey saw it! But that is too funny there was a security guy called Mikey as well hahahaha. And just imagining your friends' faces fall as the wrong Mikey took it omg :')


    I'd love to go to England. Weeee. :D I will be crashing at your place! :') Please and thank you!

    Man, you like so many of the same bands as me :D Paramore, and Blink-182 especially :') :') :')

    We never get snow! Sad times. Apparently the very south of Australia does, like Tasmania and Victoria but not here :((( we have a sub-tropical climate - it sucks. :) I remember I went to Canberra (Australia's capital, if you didn't know) in year 6 on school camp and it was supposed to snow but then it didn't and it was fucking freezing as tits anyway! Teachers liedddd. Just to get us to go. Boo!

    Oh my god hahahaha England in snow season sounds fucking hilarious. With everyone acting like it's the apocalypse hahahaha. Oh :') Shouldn't they all be used to it by now?! It's England, it snows, even I know that!
    Did you ever get snow days? :D
    We get freeeakin' hot days I guess you'd call it - once it gets over either 40 or 42 degrees, I forget, we're allowed to go home. Other than that, we're stuck at school all year round D: and it never gets that hot! I remember it happened once. Most of the time (at most) it hovers at 39. At that point I want to dieee.

    Wellp, as I told you, the carnival got cancelled. Hate lifeee. I could've used it to study :'( So school was on as usual. Yay~ And none of my friends turned up! Nghh! Although I did get a lot of work done in my classes and during lunch and recess and sport time (which I usually go home for) so that was good. :D Now I just have 4 English questions to do and then I can do what I've been wanting to do all day... write! :D I didn't end up last night because I checked my emails and Emily was on Google chat so we spoke on there for ages. Woops. So I want to tonight :3 It is a great motivator for finishing all homework at school I can tell you that. :D Only downside is Emily wants to see me tonight, in like 2 hours, but I kind of don't want to. lol i'm a terrible girlfriend :( But I'll see her tomorrow! Idk. We'll see what happens. Hope your day's been eventful and surprisingly pleasant :D

    February 2nd, 2012 at 07:02am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)


    Thank you so much :) That means a lot. I've done well so far (first term of year 12 is over - we have 3 more terms to go then our HSC exams holy feck D:), I got first in each of my classes for the assessments, except I tied with one guy in one class, and I tied with my twin sister in the other (which was English) so :(. I really want to keep up that standard, and even do better. shdghghs this year really will suck oh man :( I just wanna be doneeee. *shuts up, moves on*

    That sucks with your college though :( But yay, because I finally (kind of) understand how your schooling system works now. yay :D
    Can you not go back to do your A-levels? If you fail yo' HSC here/even don't get what ATAR you wanted you can go back and do it *shrug*

    Thanks again, though :3

    Doesn't sound mad at all :) I think I'll miss learning things, and most of all being around my friends at school and making memories. lol makes me think I shouldn't spend every lunchtime studying instead of sitting with them. howell. Gotta make sacrifices!
    :( That makes me sad you don't see them as much any more. Ohhh, I'm not looking forward to that. But yeah, I know what you mean, that it won't be the same :(

    heh, that's so cool you play bass :D When did you start learning?
    It would be really cool huh shgkdsjghs omfg :D just imagining it!

    Well tell me as sooon as you start it/post something! Okay?! Okay :D Please. Actually quite keen for this!

    Thanks :')

    LOL. It's so funny, right? xDD Ah, boys :')
    hahahaha! Actually laughed because omg, the disappointment when you have a bag of chips/lollies/something and you're like omfg >:) and then you try to open it and it explodes! and it always DOES go everywhere D: and the floor is always like "lol I'm dirty, sux 4 u" and it's so soul crushing! so soul crushing. sad times. Makes for a good story, tho! Thanks xD


    Gaga IS a dude after all! three of the MCR dudes anyway. :') and yeah, I did :D I saw them last Friday night in Sydney. omg it was so much fun! shgjksdghshkgs. First time seeing them, too :33 :333 Have you seen them? :D
    and LOL, thank you :) Glad you liked it!

    Thanks <33 And yay, I'm glad you don't hate me :D
    and me too! I do love the rain :D it makes me feel like I'm in England lol :')

    ooh, good job! :D What other songs can you play? :) Planetary (GO!) is such a fun song omg :')

    And omg so jealous you get snowww! I have never seen snow. Wahhhh :(

    It's supposed to be warm where I am!
    ... But it's not. lol it's still raining. Been raining all day. :') haha, my school has the swimming carnival on tomorrow at the town pool, well it's supposed to be on, but Idk if it will be. I'm supposed to listen to the radio at 7.00 to hear the local news to see if it'll still be on or not, but lol, like that's gonna happen. I can barely get up for school/I don't even go to swimming carnivals, let alone would I be awake at 7.00 to listen to find out if it's even on. Funny :')
    Although I feel like I should go. I mean, it'd be the last school swimming carnival I'd ever have to attend, so maybe I should. Because I never did. Idk!
    February 1st, 2012 at 09:26am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    How the hell did we *not* have each other added as friends!
    February 1st, 2012 at 08:56am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    No worries, nothing could ever make him really stop, he's just conflicted! :D
    I'm in the middle of writing the next chapter now, so hopefully it'll be out soooon. <3
    February 1st, 2012 at 08:51am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)


    :)) Thank you!
    And okayyy, I'll think about it. :L

    I know, right? It sucks sooo much DDDD: It's my final year of school though, and I wanna do really well (like ridiculously well). I know you don't live here but basically at the end of your final year of school (year 12) you get an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank, I think it stands for), which is a number up to 99.95 that determines what Uni courses you can get into. The average ATAR for NSW (New South Wales, the state I live in) HSC students is around 70. So, harder courses at uni have a higher ATAR required to get in, such as Medicine, which is like 98 or something ridic because it's really popular.
    Anyway, my older sister finished year 12 and finished her HSC (Higher School Certificate) with an ATAR of 95.5. And Emily finished school last year, and got an ATAR of 97.5. Although she did go to one of the richest, smarter schools of our town (my school is the worst, yay - but somehow my sister managed to do well lol oh). So, mix all that together and I kind of want to either. a) jump off a bridge or b) do that well as well. Most of the time I feel like a). So I really have to go really ridiculously well this year. I really want. Idek. Doesn't help that my twin sister, also in my grade, is smarter than me. I feel so un-pressured, as you can tell :3
    :| Soooo, long story short: this year is going to be hell and I just might jump off a bridge.
    Thus, you can now see why I do a lot of homework. (I do more than I'm given anyway.)

    But dude, you are so lucky you don't have to go to college anymore! SO SO LUCKY. Why can't I be you!
    Good luck finding a job though! Do you know what you wanna do? Or is it just any job right now? I have an idea :) Work for the MCR guys. Yayyy. You can be the chick that tells annoying/crazy fangirls to fuck off so the guys don't think bad of all MCR fans :DD

    Your story sounds seriously cool btw! Especially the Victorian Era part and people thinking she's going insane. I wanna read ittt! Have you started it yet? You should >:) and post it. And tell me. :)

    Bring me Skittles! (I mean, *please* bring me Skittles? :D)
    Random piece of knowledge: When I think of Skittles I think of this time I went to the movies to see a film with my friends Brodie and Aaron, this was years ago, so I don't remember what movie we saw. Anyway, Aaron bought Skittles, and Brodie asked him to throw some into his mouth for him to catch. So he did. Except it got him in the eye. And he screamed and was like "Owwww!! Fuck Aaron, you idiot!" And Aaron laughed for a solid ten minutes while Brodie ran out to try and wash his eye out in the bathroom because it stung. Funny times.
    I'm gonna go remind them about that now! Thanks for reminding me :D

    You are exactly right with that! Also, girls who are superduper pretty who know it, aren't as nice as slightly less pretty girls with amazing personalities. Although the still-pretty girls get even prettier than the model-look girls. Like you :D Yay!

    heh :')

    LOL. Sounds like an eventful New Years!

    Oh, no no, I didn't mean it like that. I meant, are you still on vacation, I guess you call it. But now it makes sense, because well, you don't actually go to school anymore aha :3

    Life's been pretty gay tbh! In both senses. ;) :L Naw, but it's kind of shitty/annoying right now. Everyone in this house hates me so I'm in my room. Being sad and feeling sorry for myself but trying to cheer myself up by replying to you :) And it's raining. Which adds to the mood. I still have some English questions to do for tomorrow but I really don't want to. I want to write, as in update, tonight. So I think I'll do that. :) Just in the mood, and I never know when writing moods come about, so I'll make the most of it. Hopefully it'll make me feel better.
    Life sux sometimes.

    January 31st, 2012 at 07:57am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Hellloo! Sorry for the late reply, but replying now!

    It's so weird, actually, because I spend like 80% of my time with my girlfriend (her name is Emily :3) and we haven't got a photo together yet! DD: But I want one! When I've got one, I shall show you (whether we're holding a blown-up condom or not :L)

    Good news! I finished all my holiday homework, some of the stuff I didn't even have to do :D Bad news... I'm back at school and now I'll have even more work. Hmm :( :( You got any news? :D

    Oooh, what kind of story? What would it be about/what are your ideas? I'd read it! Write, write! :D

    Skittles! Omg I haven't had those in a bajillion years holy crap. Must buy some of those one day again.

    hehe, that's okay :))) but at worst/least you're just 'okay'!


    Yes, ma'am.

    Aw, you're new place does seem nice! Does it feel like home yet? :D

    haha, never heard the term "Chrimbo" before. Took me a second to work out what it was xD It was nice, yeah. New Year's was uneventual as most people's NYE go (considering I don't drink or am not particularly sociable) but it was nice :33 got my first New Year's Eve kiss :')
    How was yours? What'd you do?

    Are you guys still on holiday over there in the UK? :-)

    January 30th, 2012 at 06:57am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    No worries, the scars and everything will be touched up on again-- with Frank, it's like, he can't think about that time, ya know? Especially when all he can think about is Gerard, it's all that his mind has room for. But we will be hearing about it again. And Gerard is still madly in love with Frank, he's just been trying to convince himself otherwise because he feels obligated to Bert, because Bert was to Gerard as Gerard was to Frank in the first one. They have a connection, for lack of a more cliche phrase. But no worries, it'll all come out in due time.
    January 28th, 2012 at 09:46pm
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    LOL aw. Your comment is so sweet. It made me smile and then laugh now that I'm re-reading it/replying to it. :')
    We will!

    Good news! :D I've done allll of my Legal Studies work to do this holidays. So now I've only got English and Extension English to go. :D Which... although is a lot... I've still got one whole subject out of the way. Yay!

    The Sims is actually great isn't it. Although, I haven't played it in a few days. :'(
    Aw, I wish I could play Sims Pets! My computer's too shotty for it. :( I can/have only got Nightlife and University on here.

    You're crazy! Not to sound weird, but when I saw you'd put a picture up I was like "Aw! :')" because you're so pretty and I can tell it's not just in a "certain photo only" way. You look gorgeous :)
    :L Glad you appreciate Gaga. :')

    I won't give uppp. In fact, I had a really good/lame idea last night so I'ma go write now. And hopeeefully put it up before I leave this afternoon. ee! :)

    Aw cool! I love moving house. What's your new place like? What was your old place like?
    That sucks about the internet though. :( Sad times. Just play heaps of Sims. woo!

    ps: hope you had a gr8 Christmas and New Year :D ♥
    January 8th, 2012 at 01:49am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    :( Don't be lonely!
    I've just been so busy lately Idk. I spend a lot of my time with my girlfriend, over at her house, or she's over here (what with Christmas and New Year's Eve especially, but before that, just in general) and Idk. I'm sorry! :( I feel my muse slipping away, and I really don't want it to. But reading all the nice little comments that people have to say about my story makes me feel like getting on with it. Which I will try. Tonight. Because Emily is 400km away. :( I have nothing to do now but write. Actually, I have a lot I could do. I could do the pile of homework I have for the holidays before I go back to school - or I could play the Sims (♥♥♥), or my Playstation. Or eat. I bought a lot of nice food.
    But no. I will try for you. I can't promise an update tonight, but I can promise I'll sit down and write. I just hope it won't turn out shit. Because if it does, I won't post it. :)
    Anyway. Sorry for the ramble. Thanks for your interest in it, and my well being, so much. So sweet. Cute dp by the way! :)
    ps: how have you been?
    pps: I really don't want to do my homework. :(
    January 3rd, 2012 at 07:32am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Oh god, I'm sorrrrrrrry :((((( Please forgive me.
    December 18th, 2011 at 11:39am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Just the amount of well-written stories, ya know?
    I feel like people have moved on to Livejournal and different sites. The people who comment on my story are the best ever, <3.
    November 9th, 2011 at 12:04am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    I feel like Mibba is slowly becoming more of a ghost town and it saddens meeeeeeeeeeee! D:
    November 8th, 2011 at 08:00pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Oh and if I do meet her, I will totally pass your love along to her, no doubt about that!

    I'm glad that everything with the operation went welll and that you're feeling better! <3
    November 5th, 2011 at 07:06am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    I wanna see those snakebites, missy! <3
    November 5th, 2011 at 06:15am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    I'm in the process of getting it done, I'm really sorry, it's been soo long and I feel terrible. D: School and work and my birthday, I could give you all these excuses, I'm trying my hardest to get it all done. <3
    November 2nd, 2011 at 06:20am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Oh my god, I hope everything went well with surgery and you're starting to feel better and I feel like such a jackass for not getting the update out in time. School and work has been kicking my ass and I haven't had a chance to finish it yet. D: D: D: D: D: I LOVE YOU THOUGH and I want you to feel better! Eat lots of ice cream and sweetish fish and taco bell and everything else delicious! Sending my love from across the seaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
    October 24th, 2011 at 07:22am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    I'm giving you like twenty-three cyber hugs right now! LOVE<3.
    October 19th, 2011 at 01:43am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Thaaaaaank you so so so so so so soooooooooooooooo much, you seriously are too nice to me and this next chapter is totally dedicated completely to you! I really feel special right now, thankyousomuch<3.
    October 18th, 2011 at 05:00am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    I'm gonna start working more on the chapter right now and hopefully get it up for you before Thursdayyy! You make me sooo happy with all of your comments and I'm glad that you're impatient, haha, it makes me feel like I'm doing a good jobb. I hope everything's okay! D: <3
    October 17th, 2011 at 07:30am