Letter to the Listener

Why hello there, fellow avocados.I must say, its been a long time since I've seen any of you around. From a decent audience to a simple reader, I've seen not a hint of you lot for the past few years.Not to say I'm not glad to see you, if I see you at all!You are welcome here whenever you choose to honor me with your presence. But, since man is so convinced that hes been created with two ears so he...
November 18th, 2011 at 06:44am

Our Fellow Hitler.

So I was thinking the other day about the most hated person over the courses of histroy, wondering which of the various baddies would be honored with the title 'worst'. I flitted through the most common, asking various human beings and creating my very own little mental chart.The result currently beams at you from the very top of this journal post."Hitler."It is ofcourse, not within my field of...
August 20th, 2011 at 05:43pm

" Pineapples."-- Read this if you dare.

Greetings, folks!As you can clearly see from the title of this entry, this long, endless, worthless, meaningless, hairless, shirtless, shoeless, and homeless rant will be about Pineapples.I will continue to capitalize the first letter in his holiness's definition, as Pineapples deserve all the terror and fear that once belonged to Hitler and Pete Burns.See, Pineapples are marvelous things. They...
July 25th, 2011 at 01:06pm