For All The Wounds That Are Never Gonna Scar Me;
The Horror.
I go by many names. call me whatever you like
I am 17 years young. Just a small town girl
Fact: You probably don't give a shit.
Another Fact: I don't give a shit that you don't give a shit.
"Hold your head high Sugar, plenty are willing to see you fall."
"All of my friends are inside of my head. They comfort me;"
"I don't suggest you EVER lock your window again;"
99% of the shit that flows from my mouth is pure sarcasm.
Been here since December of 08' Like a bawsss.

Por Siempre
I've always enjoyed My Chemical Romance, ever since I was a wee lad. I do not care if you like them or not. My choices in life do not revolve around what you think. If you say to me that I am "emo" or "stupid" for liking them I will kindly thank you and be on my merry way.

Sayy Whutttttt