We Can't All Be Beautiful

I was listening to "Who Says?" by Selena Gomez the other day, and I officially hate the song. Don't get me wrong, it's a good song, and Selena isn't too crappy of a singer. However, it has the opposite effect on me than it was intended to.It doesn't make me feel beautiful, pretty or even worth it. It's easy for someone like Selena, who's gorgeous, rich, talented and successful to get up there and...
April 23rd, 2011 at 09:42pm

It Takes So Much To Get Us Here, Yet So Little To Take Us Away

When I woke up this morning, I was told that a man from my church had been killed in a boating accident. He wasn't just any man, though. I go (or went, I suppose) to his house every Tuesday to have bible study with the other teens. He would always tease me for being so quiet, and mispronounce my name on purpose.Me and my two sisters occasionally sing at the said church, and about every other week...
April 16th, 2011 at 02:08am

I'm Not Afraid of Falling, I'm Afraid of Where I'll Land

Of all the days I've spent on this planet, today is the worst. Or maybe that was yesterday? I'm not sure. The days have started to blend together, my mind unsure how to grasp the concept of time when I'm so often not on this earth. But rather, locked away inside myself.I'm not sure why I started to feel this way. I was so sure that 2011 would be my year. That I would start to walk my path of life....
April 15th, 2011 at 12:55am