A7X_foREVer6661 / Comments

  • ouch, i would too if my sibling was getting on my last nerve and made me cut myself. Cutting yourself is a bitch even if it's just a small cut
    April 13th, 2011 at 06:01am
  • doing some last minute writing for my story that I have been working on before I hit the sack
    April 12th, 2011 at 07:04am
  • yay! thanks so much hun. So what have you been up to
    April 12th, 2011 at 06:23am
  • aww, haha have fun for me then!
    April 12th, 2011 at 06:17am
  • You gonna see Skillet! Lucky! Take me with you! lol
    April 12th, 2011 at 04:00am
  • That doesn't sound too bad, you can't help yourself that you need rest. But at least you can stand for a certain amount of time and not have to sit down every five seconds. :)
    April 12th, 2011 at 03:34am
  • It's alright, i learned to deal with it after a while. Sorry to hear that too, it must be worse to not be able to stand for long periods of time.
    April 10th, 2011 at 12:44am
  • I fell near my stairs around a year ago and I tried to catch myself that's when I sprained my wrist. I put it in one of those cast after it was bugging me for a while and when I started to write for long periods of time it would hurt a lot I would just ignore it and keep writing even though my writing was getting sloppy. I think that's what pushed it over the edge to was I wouldn't stop and I couldn't write for around a week because of my stubbornness. So I can't do push ups anymore or pull ups or anything that i have to put weight on my right wrist because it would hurt like a bitch
    April 9th, 2011 at 07:33pm
  • i use to write all my stories but since I have a messed up wrist now so when I write too much it starts to ache. I also found out that typing things helps things flow better and get things done faster. I also save them now too since I get around a chapter ahead in each of my stories so it all works out. lol
    April 9th, 2011 at 07:23am
  • haha the one thing I hate is when I have to redo a chapter because it's not to my liking. or the worst part is when I'm done typing up a chapter and about to copy and paste it on this site I accidently delete it. I will wallow in my misery for a couple of minutes and do two things either just drop it and redo it later or suck it up and type it out again remembering what I wrote. Sometimes it comes out better than the original. :)
    April 9th, 2011 at 04:42am
  • that's great, it's too much when you think of more than one chapter at a time. I just see if it works and if I think it doesn't and I already post the chapter then I just work with what I have. lol
    April 9th, 2011 at 02:13am
  • haha sounds like you get loads of inspiration, I have to write down the things I plan out for each story because I KNOW I am going to forget if I don't. Usually when I do have ideas it's for later on in the story and not the chapter i am writing on. haha So weird.
    April 8th, 2011 at 05:52pm
  • that's great! Man, I can't write more than one chapter a day and if it's more than one then i have to take a break before I write another chapter for another story because i can't bear focusing on one story for too long. haha
    April 8th, 2011 at 08:30am
  • I agree with that, I do believe Jimmy left us that song to help us move on when he does pass away. It's great to have it too instead of nothing to remembering him by. I'm a Christian so I believe in God and all that jazz and I also believe that everything that happens in life is for a reason, to make us stronger or learn from people's mistakes or tradegies.
    April 8th, 2011 at 07:24am
  • Maybe, some people don't know and it just hits them unexpectedly. Even though he's not here physically he still motivates me spiritually. If your into that stuff of course
    April 8th, 2011 at 03:44am
  • He really was and I'm sorry it affected you that much. It just goes to show you that he brought so much to the table and helped teens and people around the world feel comforted and they should be themselves no matter how weird people thought it was. I really do admire him and i wish I knew who he was when he passed but his death still affected me more when i started to learn more about him. That is really sad to hear someone like that say that. I remember reading something that Martin Luther King Jr knew that he was going to die soon, that he would live to see how civil rights progressed. That the Columbine student that was killed knew she was going to die young, I believe she wrote that she wouldn't pass her teenage years.
    April 8th, 2011 at 01:02am
  • wow, what an asshole. At least it was cleared up and I did hear from friends that people thought he committed suicide. Even though I had no clue who he was, the way my friends talked about him I just had a feeling he wasn't the type to kill himself. He had too much good stuff going on to end his life. It just makes me curious as to how long he knew the day was coming. I have noticed that people who leave a huge impact on the world sense their demise before it even happens.
    April 8th, 2011 at 12:23am
  • I never really cried when I first heard it, maybe because I didn't know a lot about them when I first heard them. I do remember people talking about when Jimmy past at day but it was one of those things that your like 'oh that's so sad' then you move on. Now around a year later knowing a little bit more about them and listening to it so many times I listen to the lyrics now and I do shed some tears when I listen to it, that's why I rather not listen to it when I'm running or at school because I will cry anywhere. I did hear they got a lot of crap for Fiction, do you know what that was about?
    April 7th, 2011 at 10:23pm
  • totally agree with you there, I guess that's what got me. At first I was a bit skeptic as to why my cousin Diane wanted me to hear them since I am more of an in depth person when it comes to music. sure i like songs that have no point to it but I love it when it has a meaning behind it or a certain emotion that portrays really well. I guess that's why I'm so fond of their latest album because it does sound like their darkest one yet and I listen to it every single day. haha
    April 7th, 2011 at 08:29pm
  • Thanks for the comment hun :)
    April 7th, 2011 at 06:26pm