Onychophagia / Comments

  • So it's like 02:22am over here
    But I just read your comment and you sound freakin' kick ass.
    I shall reply properly to that in thee morning, with my views and such but as of now; I am wrecked.
    So yeah :''')
    I'll properly reply in the morning!
    Good night!
    June 12th, 2011 at 03:23am
  • anti-*
    June 12th, 2011 at 12:35am
  • I agree so much (about the American government)
    I'm really antiu-governmental.
    I know this is odd, but how do you feel about them using 'drug therapy' on people who have 'mental conditions'?
    (Seriously I have so many rants I could go on about when it comes to shit like this)
    Are you anti-governmental too?
    Now see I always wanted to watch the sunset in a southern state. It's a weird quirk of mine you know? For some reason I just think it would be beautiful.
    And yeah, there's always this stereotype of strict religious traditions in Texas, is that stereotype true?
    Or is it over-exaggerated like most?
    And don't worry about that bitchin', I think it was nice of you to offer con-crit. Feel free to flick around my stories and con-crit me. Please just don't critique me though, I loooove con crit because then I know how to get better. Critique with no improvements make me feel like shite. xD
    What style of music are you into?
    Have you seen any bands live?
    June 12th, 2011 at 12:35am
  • is it* My mind moves too fast for my fingers to keep up! xD
    June 11th, 2011 at 03:06pm
  • Ah what's it it like in Texas?
    And what do you feel the flaws are with America (I do have a few ideas, but I would like to hear your opinions!)
    And I'm from the UK.
    Not a big fan of my own country to be honest!
    Paha. I love it when people call me sugar :3 It's like my favourite pet name! :')
    June 11th, 2011 at 03:06pm
  • Yes, we do. Although I'm a poor vegan, I try my hardest!
    I won't touch cheese, fish, eggs or meat though.
    The thought of it :/
    And I'm so glad you don't mind!
    Where abouts do you come from?
    June 11th, 2011 at 01:33pm
  • Dude, I read that your an athiest, an activist and a vegan.
    That's freaking awesome.
    So I will now friend you!
    I hope you don't mind :3
    June 11th, 2011 at 01:24pm
  • I will...
    If it isn't good.
    don't say anything cause it makes me feel bad...
    One girl tried the same thing but she quit pointing the mistakes out and she just read.
    June 11th, 2011 at 07:03am
  • Nah I'm cool..
    I'll spend alot more time editing after I write it. I kinda just wanna post the chapter you know...
    If it's not right I'll keep on goin.
    Atleat my spelling is right...
    I mean that bothers the hell outta me.
    June 11th, 2011 at 06:50am
  • >_<
    I know the guidelines...
    It's not my fault...
    And I'm a bitch so I don't accept it well...
    I didn't mean to come off as a bitch...
    I have been told my comma, puctuation, and grammar is shit...
    This is the best story I have running right now and my grammar has improved.
    Yeah I know...
    Your just trying to help.
    And I appreciate the fact but none of my friends are good at grammar and punctuation...
    So yeah I'm sorry.
    June 11th, 2011 at 06:09am
  • Hey...
    I know my punctuation and crap isn't good...
    But when word doesn't tell me there's mistake...
    I belive it...
    Yeah so stupid commas aren't in place...
    I can't help it...
    If I took my time and wrote each chapter shorter.
    1) people would be pissed.
    2) I didn't update people are gonna be pissed tomorow...
    But I hope you get over it...
    Cause mistakes are meant to happen and mine just so happens to be punctuation.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:37am
  • I am glad you find my misfortune amusing. -.-' *sulking face*
    Believe me, you do not want that. It hurts like a bitch. D:
    I finally got MSN. @.@ Add me, mmkay? ISetMyFriendsOnFire@hotmail.co.za
    Bahaha XD How so? C:
    June 10th, 2011 at 07:55pm
  • Yes, insomnia isn't pleasant. At all. But eh, I've had it for a while now, I'm learning to cope. :3

    My stapler attacked my face at school today. My class found the situation amusing. Woo; I have a lovely class. <-- Sarcasm. xD

    How was yoouur day? c:
    June 9th, 2011 at 08:24pm
  • Thank you for the comment. :)
    June 9th, 2011 at 01:38pm
  • V They keep on getting longer. xD
    June 8th, 2011 at 10:06pm
  • I'm aware that you're female. Was slightly obvious to me, too. xD

    Lucky yooou. We don't get that down here in South Africa. Not in my area, anyway. T.T
    I struggle to control it, sometimes. No sentence looks complete to me without smileys. xD

    Thank you. -^_^-
    And exactly my thoughts. Just a little. :3

    Bahaha. XD You do not. c:

    Yesh; I like your hair. @.@ *insert jealous face here*

    It's about 10:04pm here right now, so I'm probably going to try and get some sleep soon. I have insomnia, so I'm on medication and I can't stay up past 11:30 or it interferes with the meds. T.T

    BUT I STILL WANT RECIPES. Like, tomorrow, okay? Okay. :'D
    June 8th, 2011 at 10:05pm
  • Hmm. I was about... ten or eleven? Seems like ages ago. o.O

    I have added you. :D *huggles*

    -Giggles- You old person, you. Texting means airtime. And airtime costs money. Money I could use for CDs. I avoid my cellphone as much as possible. Also, I have this weird fear of answering telephones for some reason. I dunno.

    I will get it tomorrow, I think. :D Bahaha, I love how you're, like, a smiley-phobe and I have CSD (Compulsive Smiley Disorder? o.e). xD

    Thank you, love. <3
    I'm still trying to lose a little weight though. >_<'
    Also, you aren't too bad yourself. :P
    June 8th, 2011 at 09:41pm
  • Ah; so it was basically the beginning of the Black Parade era. With all the good writers. *_* I wish I was around during that time. But I was pretty young four years ago, so.. xD

    If you ever get the chance to post any deathfics, (or, any fics at all, really. You seem like a great writer), let me know. I have no life. I love to read. :D

    I stopped eating meat about eight months ago. I watched the Earthlings DVD and I was disgusted. :/
    I need to get MSN. Everybody has it. And I want your vegan recipes. D:

    I will treasure it forever and ever. Also, thank yooou for the photo comment. Made me blush a little. c:
    June 8th, 2011 at 08:57pm
  • I get frustrated with some of the new authors, because they give all new frerard authors a bad name. o.e
    How long ago was that, if you don't mind me asking?

    Hmm. I've read a lot of BDSM ones. I've read necrophiliac ones. I've read tons of death fics. I've read torture fics.
    Heh, I'm a weird one. But I like those types.

    Yummy! Any really good ones you recommend? :)
    And I am honored that you chose to put a smiley on my profile. :3 I overuse smileys. >_>
    June 8th, 2011 at 08:37pm
  • I read the fucked up frerards more than the normal ones, anyway. They're usually the best ones.

    Nooo. Then you got yourself on the wrong side of the community. D:
    I'll admit, a lot of the newer frerard fans/authors are the "OH EM GEE, GERARD WAY IS SO HOT LOL." type, but the older ones are a lot better. :)

    So, how're you today?
    June 8th, 2011 at 08:24pm