you and me. [note to my readers]

Writers block.the bane of my existance.srsly, this sucks. I have half of scrapbooks ten and downfall twenty written.but then, in the middle of writing...NOTHINGGG.I have no idea where to go with these characters.So I'm going to be focusing on finishing all my contest entries, then wrap up the contest I updates at the end of August?I'll be trying to write in between of course.but it also...
July 25th, 2009 at 02:55am

why do I need friends... [help me]

when I have enemies like her?so this girl was my best friend for a while.then she turned into a total bitch, getting mad at me for no we stop talking, I get my shit back from her, CDs mainly.she forgets to ask for her calculator back [one of those expensive graphing calculators]now she needs it for her geo class.but she still owes me two CDs that got lost while she had them, and $20 for...
February 3rd, 2009 at 02:52am

What makes me a bad friend:

According my my 'best friend' it's this:1] telling her I think it's a bad idea to talk to her ex because she got really hurt last time and started cutting herself really badly.2] joking around when she mentions said ex (which is in every conversation)3] having never been in love so I can't sympathize with her4] making new friends5] bring her to concerts and not getting on her case about paying me...
September 20th, 2008 at 05:53pm

The Shortest Tour Ever Tour - All Time Low, Hit The Lights, There For Tomorrow, Valencia.

What do I need to say?It's probably the best concert I've been to [minus Trackside]. From the car ride up to the car ride home, it was fun and amazing.We got there around 6.30ish, after getting lost for a while and having my mom try to force me to talk to strangers [whoa, it should be the other way around]. We got our willcall tickets and jumped in line instead of going ALLLLLL the way back there...
July 22nd, 2008 at 10:34pm

it's all we ever need - picture a day

As terrible as it is, I got this idea from PlayRadioPlay!'s Dan. He's heard about this guy who'd taken pictures every day of this life, for around eighteen years, up until the day he died from cancer.I'm always worrying about losing myself and losing my memories, so I decided that this might be a good idea.And there's always to fact that I love taking pictures.Each day I'll post, and I'll always...
June 12th, 2008 at 12:28am

make your move.

Is it terrible that I agree?Is it scary that I can't breath around my so called friends?Is it sad that I hate everyone at my school except two people?And I only see those two people at lunch?Is it disheartening that all my 'friends' are pissing me off?For copying my homeworkFor complaining about the four problems we have to doFor ignoring me and talking to everyone elseFor making fun of meFor only...
May 14th, 2008 at 02:44am

The AP Tour - 4.3.08 - All Time Low, The Rocket Summer, The Matches, Sonny Moore, and Forever The Sickest Kids

OH MY GOD.So. Courtney and I got there around 4 o clock and waited until 5.15ish for Sam. I was cursing her and wondering where she was when she called and all of a sudden, this shorty (:P) was next to me and I was kinda freaking out.PS: Sam, I love you <33So we waited some more, after getting Sam’s dad to move up front so we could hang out for the last twenty or so minutes of the line and it...
April 10th, 2008 at 02:04am

my heart is open and willing so take it.

WARNING: this is one of those whiney emo blogs. Don’t like it? Stuff is shit.everything it throws at you is mainly’s like the world loses the rose tint glasses and you see it for the way it really is. The innocence is gone and all there’s left is the harsh and demanding reality.its just everything is fucked up. everything any one is doing to help the world doesn’t make a...
March 25th, 2008 at 01:29am

Lovely are you lost? You're always cast into the flow

I'm so lost and confused. I know that as I teenager you're supposedly supposed to feel like this. But if thats true, then it fucking sucks.I just don't know what's so wrong with me? On Monday morning, I was sad and silent and by the end of the day, my friends were making fun of my for talking so fast because I was so hyper. On Tuesday I was fine, but suddenly during the night, I start crying for...
March 6th, 2008 at 01:56am