
So, I kind of have a Mesiah complex. I want to save anyone and everyone... it's led my to do some things I normally wouldn't do but I've emerged wise. About a few months ago, a group of guys I was talking to were encompassed in my words and philosophy, they made jokes about me being like Jesus, it went from jokes to comparisons. Then one of them flat out told me that he thought I was Jesus. Twas a...
May 13th, 2011 at 06:30am


Rhea was her name, the girl that I still love to this day. We were not meant to be, and everyday that goes by I have to face that fact. We were best friends, and when we were together nothing hurt, nothing mattered. We were happy and I was falling in love with my best friend. Then her Ex, Denver, came into the picture. He had always known how to manipulate her, always known how to hurt her. All he...
May 6th, 2011 at 05:51am

One o'clock On Sunday afternoon

Life is always a degrading white, with bursts of wonder and awe flying through the frames every few weeks, but it's a constant decreasing folly of the pain I'm surrounded by. The girl I'm in love with doesn't want me, the girl I loved so long ago has thrown me out of her life. I find it hard to believe my friends actually give a shit about me. My never appreciated me, nor has he once told me he...
April 16th, 2011 at 08:27pm

the past, the Present, and the never good enough

When I was a boy, as the songs had said, I thought love was indivisable and I'd grow up to marry a princess. Now I realize how foolish I was and still am. Love isn't something you can put a set value to. Love is the bond we share between all other people around us.Let me introduce myself, I'm "Havok" I love and I laugh, but if anything I cry. My heart was only broken once, but I've felt enough...
April 14th, 2011 at 03:19am