Secret Crush

He has a lot of attractive female friends and he's popular. its almost like a movie its so cliche, everyone girl wants him and every guy wants to be him. He has a beautiful girlfriend of course. He is incredibly handsome. He is very good-natured and funny. He is out of my league.He is also trouble.Yet, I'm so utterly googoo-eyed over him that for quite some time I've had some strange feelings...
May 19th, 2011 at 02:39am

I'm falling in love again

It is hard, I guess in some ways...being away from someone is always hard...if you really like them it strangly makes it better because the more time you spend away, the more your thinking about them, the more you want to see them again.Idk...Its not that you see something in the person that nobody else does but its just that when you do look at each other there's like a moment of clarity. There's...
May 11th, 2011 at 12:34am

She called me fat! >:(

How dare she! That thing. That evil, evil girl! She called me fat! This is what happened. I was seated in the library at school and she was across from at another table with one of her friends. I was drawing and my coloring pencile broke I got up went to sharpen it at the trash can I turn around and notice them staring at my ass and that evil girl said "Look at that, she's fat. I'll never get that...
May 9th, 2011 at 05:18am

I feel so intimidated by her...-.-'

I was walking to class the other day and this girl that doesn't like me was walking in the oposite direction then me. I got this unearving feeling someone was staring at me I glanced to my left as we were walking past each are shoulders almost brush together thats how close we were, and I was right. Someone was staring it was her that girl that doesn't like me. She gave me a creepy smile and just...
April 25th, 2011 at 11:36pm

Why won't he take a hint?! What should I do? >.<

I'm having a problem with a guy who doesn't seem to "get the hint." I've seen him around high school for the past three years rarely do I ever see him, all we ever have been is acquaintances. This guy who is my classmate seems to keep throwing himself at me. I explained to him that I was not interested in a relationship that was anything more than friends.My situation began with him staring at me...
April 25th, 2011 at 11:08pm


Being a teenager I face many stresses in my life. Between homework, extra-cirular activites, clubs, school requirments, relationships with family, friends, searching for a college, and how to pay for it, after school job, sports, deciding what I want to do after college, taking care of my mom, keeping my dad organized. I can't even image how I am going mainain a balanced life when I start college...
April 23rd, 2011 at 04:23am