Current Works and ideas

I have more journals on here than I do anything else.Anyways.I'll be doing more Slenderman work this week, so I should by late Saturday night have a new section to add.On a side note, I'm doing another portfolio so I can change my major in the CoFA to another one. Right now, I'm thinking of going with a theme. If I do my 3D pieces about Slenderman, should the rest of my pieces(the 2-D ones, the...
August 2nd, 2011 at 07:25am

Been a while hasn't it?

Yeah, I haven't put as much thought into my Slenderman story like I thought I would.I would at least like to get to the point where this first character meets someone else who has encountered the beast.Anyways, onto what I was going to say.I think I'm a total wreck sometimes. LIke, just a minute ago, I was on tumblr, looking through lesbiansftw's pictures while listening to Tegan and...
July 22nd, 2011 at 06:38am

Creativity drip is go!

Here goes everyone, I'm putting work into my Slenderman-esque story. I'm typing it up as you read this, while listening to Pandora, browsing facebook, deviantart, threadless, and tumblr.My, can I multi-task or what?Anyways, I've started to feel the art groove again. I intend to keep it for a while too, so while I still have this spur, I'm going to write, create slogans, doodle up a gift for my...
July 8th, 2011 at 05:51am

I went MIA

I have this bad habit of going MIA on websites that I don't regularly login to.But, that will change.I've come into possession of a macbook pro, oh snap!That means I'll be logged in to all of my sites, and will check them on a daily basis.Its worked so far.But otherwise. I hate when I do the social abscence. What happens is that I get increasingly pessimistic about how I'm not talking to anyone,...
July 5th, 2011 at 07:04am

And thus the creativity returns yet again.

As I round off my senior year of high school, my creative edge has sparked, making me highly inclined to write and draw again.Of course, my spark to write comes from watching the several Slender Man videos from Marble Hornets, and I am now in the process of writing my first thriller/horror story based on my own paranormal creature.I should go back to my sci-fi story about my battle of the...
May 26th, 2011 at 03:07am