Your Mistake

Your Mistake
United States
Joined date
April 17th, 2011

Call Me Asian

I never stop smiling :]

I believe in love, and that the word is way to overused.
Hi I'm Larissa, just call me Asian. I love nature more than anything, and photography. I fail at guitar but I love to mess with it and sing songs. I write a bunch, too lazy to post :P I never sleep. I smile all the time. I don't mind if I stand out. I'm always way to hyper and it's quite normal. I'm super nice. A guy stole my heart, he's 1,126 miles away but I love him just the same. We were best friends from the start. And I used to live close to him till I moved away. We are still together and going strong. I plan on living my life with him. :] I'd be lost without my friends<3 Want to know me? Talk.