athena88 / Comments

  • jesslovespanic

    jesslovespanic (100)

    The scent of his skin lingered in the air around her, but I guess it wasn't surprising. Her heart was beating so fast she was afraid it might explode out her chest. Her eyes were wide open, tears streaming ever so slowly down her cheeks and off her face, onto the off white pillow beneath her head. Light beamed through the half shut curtains, showing the dust in the room, the disguisting, filthy room she had spent so much time in. And there he sat, on the edge of the bed. He was turned away from her bare back, pulling his jeans up off the floor. Sliding them onto his legs he stood up, pulling the black belt with him. It was secured around his waist before he pulled up a shirt from an open cupboard, slipping it on, then leaving the room.

    I've just begun a new story. I'd be appreciated if you took the time to have a read =]
    January 10th, 2008 at 05:42pm