Shit just got real.

So if you don't want to hear me rant for the next 3-4 minutes, avert your gaze.So tonight, my family and I went out to this bar/grill downtown. I usually go to my dad's in the morning on Saturday's, but tonight I was going out so I told my dad to pick me up at the restaurant at ~9. Anyway, so my dad and his girlfriend (err, fiance.. the thought chills me,) came up to the fine establishment and...
November 27th, 2011 at 03:47am


Hanzzqazamm-noun- 1. the region between the forearm and wrist (A.K.A the wrist)verb- 2. The act or habit of mistaking the wrist for the Hanzzqazarmm, called hanzzqazarmmingadjective- 3. of or pertaining to the hanzzqazarmmplural- hanzzqazarmmiInstituted on Saturday, July 2, 2011Origin- Russia-enese from Hanzzqazarmm-ov, from Latin of Hanzzqazarmm-itoribusSo this is too short so im just going to...
July 3rd, 2011 at 01:14am

Various Markets of the Quincy Variety in the Region that Happens to be Named Boston

So in the day that took place today, I made a pilgrimage into the Bostonian metropolis, in the state of Massachusetts, in the region of New England, in the Country that comprises these United States, in the Northern facilities of America. Me and my amigos had an EPIC plan: What we were going to do was tell our teacher that the world's largest mountain of Twinkies TM was over there --> in a dark...
June 8th, 2011 at 01:39am

Mind Blown. (Kind of...)

So we were supposed to get a tornado on June 1st and alas! We did. I mean- come on now. We live in the ghetto of the Massachusetts, not the plains of the Kansas. I went in the basement, but I completely forgot about my poor parakeet Larry. (See? It's a pun: Larry Bird is his name... No? Ugh whatever.) who would've just flown away. At least my casa isn't damaged. I haven't had internet nor cable...
June 4th, 2011 at 10:08pm

The term Floccinaucinihilipilification, failed raptures, and said term always coming to mind. Oh, and deformed bunnies

Hi!!! So last friday I made this epic list of Fibonacci numbers, (google it) and came up with; that in 180 days of deformed incestuous small rodent making, you would have48,558,529,144,435,440,119,720,000,000,000,000,000 small incestuous small rodents!!! .... I got lazy so I just put zeros for the empty places... The term Floccinaucinihilipilification comes to mind, (again, google it) as it always...
May 22nd, 2011 at 06:26am

HELLO clarice

Hi... I'm starting to feel like this site is like my mom or something because of all the rules and/or restrictions... E.G. like "you NEED TO PUT EFFORT INTO YOUR JOURNALS OR ILL WILL POP A GLOCK IN YOUR MOUTH WHILE I SIMULTANEOUSLY BUST A CAP IN YOUR A**!!!!" ok, well it doesnt say that EXACTLY......but you understand...... is this considered effort?? i dunno, i guess.... hmmmm.... i haven't...
April 19th, 2011 at 02:57pm