
Sometimes I'm not sure why I go on.I've been told countless times that I'm going to end up alone.I feel like I fell years ago and I've been sitting at the bottom for a long time.I've waited for someone to come and save me, to lead me out of the darkness and into the light.. it hasn't happened yet so I'm guessing it never will.I'm ignorant.I let the wrong people past my walls and push the good ones...
March 8th, 2012 at 04:19am


Sometimes its hard to survive in this world. Life isn't easy. If anyone tells you otherwise then they are a liar. Well, maybe it isn't life. Maybe its the people in it.I've definitely been put to the test this week. I've lost my best friend, a room mate, I've realized how people truly are. I see how dark and unfair the world is. I'd like to think it isn't my fault, but I really do know it is....
February 2nd, 2012 at 10:13pm