People at My School are TOTAL DUMBASSES!!!!!

You know what I hate? Like really hate out of everything else in the ENTIRE WORLD??? People at my school. They are complete dumbasses (as you can see from the title). They take one look at someone and they assume they know everything. For example, me: they call me emo or goth girl because I were a lot of black and listen to screamo music. Come on people! The term "emo" is a state of mind! It's...
May 18th, 2011 at 09:41pm

Damn You Brittany!

I absolutely HATE my iPod! It's pathetic and stupid and worthless.....just like Brittany Spears! I actually named my iPod after. So anyway, it's the worst iPod in the ENTIRE WORLD!!! It's a nano video, but the screen doesn't work so it's basically a big-ass shuffle. So last night I was downloading a bunch of songs, almost 90 songs. And it decided to be a bitch and not sync them! So I synced them...
May 9th, 2011 at 10:52pm

Hope Ya Choke

HSAs are coming soon. I'm soooooo irritated because on top of that, all of my teachers are shoving all of this last minute work in my face. I hate that they cram all of these assignments and shit in the second semester. If they were smart they would balance out all of the work in both semesters. I don't see why they can't just do that. I hope that they choke on all of the work that gets piled on...
May 4th, 2011 at 01:15am


I love writing stories. I write something almost every day. I get pretty good ideas....but then they turn out to be completely stupid. Or sometimes I get the world's biggest writer's block and don't know where to continue from there. I usually do some strategies to keep the creative-writing juices flowing, but recently my mind has gone completely blank. And it angers me that I can't think of...
May 3rd, 2011 at 12:49am

Is This The End?

My weekend was normal. I spent it with my dad at his place. It was like any other weekend that I was with him. Then earlier today (or should I say yesterday since it's like 12:30 in the morning) my mom came to pick me up and take me home. I finished the rest of my past-due homework and watched some TV with my sister. Then at 11:00 at night my mom comes storming in the room saying "Turn to CNN!...
May 2nd, 2011 at 06:41am

Feeling Unbalanced

Well after 2 hours of homework I finally had the chance to get on my laptop and put in an entry. Lately I've felt like I've been behind in all of my work, which is weird because I'm a total nerd and always turn in assignments on time. I guess it's because I have all this other stuff weighing me down. Whenever I get really bored in one of my classes, I start to doodle. And I'm pretty artistic (not...
April 27th, 2011 at 11:36pm

Pains, All Time Low and Olympic Games

I'm exhausted. I hate week long breaks because sooner or later I get too tired to do anything and it doesn't matter because there's nothing to do. And now I'm becoming completely irritated by my shoulder which hurt like hell right now! I was so bored I decided to do my homework; if you knew me you would be shocked. I'm a very last minute person. Especially when it comes to English projects,...
April 24th, 2011 at 01:02am

Singing It Over and Over Again

Today was actually a happy day. My mom and her boyfriend took the family out for a little day trip...since it's spring break and all. I went on ALL of the rides, I screamed my head off, some stranger asked for my number (which I replied "no" to), I got nauseous and rode around in a go-kart. It was fun. My sister was freaking out like CRAZZZY!!! I forced her onto The Wildcat and she swore and i...
April 21st, 2011 at 03:34am

Not Over Dramatic, Just Unheard

Every day when I wake up, I have to deal with some shit that gets too complicated for me. And I don't want to be a drama queen or anything, but it's true. If you think you got it bad, I know where you are. If you're going through a bad break-up, you lost a friend or family member, or your parents are splitting up, I know the pain you're feeling (especially the part about parents splitting up). You...
April 20th, 2011 at 05:05am