
Hello! I'm Minerva. Obviously I like to read and write. I also like anime and manga. I practically worship Helena Bonham Carter (bovine) and Tim Burton. My favorite musicians/bands are Emilie Autumn, One-Eyed Doll, Kimberly Freeman, L'Ame Immortelle, Coma Divine, Persephone, Sarah Brightman, The Parselmouths, The Moaning Myrtles, Molotov Jukebox, DJ Lovegood, Draco and the Malfoys, Gred and Forge, and The Clockwork Dolls. Really all I even watch on tv anymore is Criminal Minds, Once Upon a Time, Daria (when it's on), and Taboo. I also love Pretty the Series, but it's a webseries. "I cannot judge what my brother and sister-in-law have done for I am a christian...*long pause*...it's not like they're gay or jewish!" FAVORITE PRETTY LINE! XD I'm a major bookworm and my favorite book series is The Looking Glass Wars but other random favorites are The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls by Emilie Autumn, The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld, just about anything by Donna Jo Napoli, and Affinity by Sarah Waters. I also love Edgar Allan Poe (The Raven is my favorite) and Shakespeare (no particular favorite right now...). Oh yeah, I also love Harry Potter! Proud Ravenclaw and Bellatrix fangirl! X3 I'm an overall friendly person unless you do something to really piss me off. haha I live in mormon capitol USA (aka Utah) but I myself am not mormon and don't much like utah-mormons since we seem to have our own breed of overly-judgmental and shove-their-religion-in-your-face-when-you-obviously-don't-care ones. I have been called a grammar nazi on multiple occasions but I won't get after you too much unless you use a lot of double negatives or too much text speak (especially if numbers and symbols are involved). I think that's enough of my ramblings for now, don't you? If you want to know more, just talk to me! I may be insane but I can't bite you through the cell bars...


Green Eyes
Chapters:: 3

Aquaria's Wrath
Other::Yet to be determined.
Chapters::Still going but currently 1


Amnesia (Sweenett!)
Girl::Mrs. Nellie Lovett
Boy::Sweeney Todd/Benjamin Barker
Chapters::Still going but currently 2

Rose (MorganxGarcia Criminal Minds fanfic)
Girl::Penelope Garcia
Boy::Derek Morgan
Chapters::Still going but currently 1


Time::Tea time! :D
Music::Nightwish - Scaretale
Book::Personal: Dracula by Bram Stoker and Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane (when I can't use my iPod) School: Hamlet by William Shakespeare