Something that bothers me...

So, tonight I was just surfing through the web when I came across a picture of one of my idols, Kurt Cobain. Okay, first off I want to say that I am a full believer that he was murdered. Anywho, I came across a picture of him with his daughter, Frances, while he was holding a kitten and it said "look at this picture. Now try and convince yourself he committed suicide". I found it very true and I...
February 20th, 2013 at 03:39am

30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 3- Book I Love

As for me, I'm not much of a reader, but ultimately if I had to choose it would probably be Shakespeare's play, "As You Like It". I am amazed by Shakespeare and that play was just beyond phenomenal. I had to read it for my senior summer project in English and it literally only took me 30 minutes to read, which is strange for a Shakespeare play. I highly suggest if you haven't read it and are a fan...
January 17th, 2013 at 08:53pm

30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 2- Something I Feel Strongly About; Kurt Cobain Death

Something I feel strongly about is definitely the injustice of Kurt Cobain's death. I honestly don't feel like it was a "suicide". There isn't a day I don't think about; call me obsessed if you may. But if you looked into the case as much as I have, you would find yourself feeling the same way. The facts of the matter just don't add up to a suicide. The amount of heroin in his system was a lethal...
January 17th, 2013 at 04:45am

30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 1

Day 1: Five ways to win my heart.1. An automatic way to win my heart is definitely sharing the same music taste and views, such as I believe hardcore that Kurt Cobain was murdered.2. If you are romantic, but not 24/7. I love surprises.3. If you play guitar, or another decent instrument, such as piano.4. If you aren't afraid of being yourself no matter who you are around, whether it be myself or...
January 15th, 2013 at 08:56pm