If you could only see!

Well I’m just waiting for your text. Hopefully I will end up telling you today or maybe you’ll figure it out. Which ever happens I hope it’s for the best!!You’re the best guy to talk to! I’m not afraid to talk to you I’m just afraid of admitting that I like you. You don’t think that girls like you when really any girl will be lucky to have you.You’ve been on my mind all day....
September 18th, 2012 at 01:04am

Love? or Friendship?

Should I try to find love by dating one of my friends? I've liked this guy since I met him.. I'm just not sure if I should tell him that I like him or not.. He goes to school with me and he's in my youth group.Well Homecomings coming up and he's the one I want to go with.. Should I tell him how I feel about him? Would it make things awkward if he said he didn't feel the same? Or could it turn out...
September 16th, 2012 at 11:36pm