another suckish night

last night i felt as if i wasnt at home... it was just a house that we were staying in... i dont feel like im in a home that is ours its just kims her son and daughters (kim is my dads gf) and i dont like it here i liked it when it was just me and my dad in his condo it was nice it wasnt this big echoy house that we live in my dad tries and tries but nothings happening i dont know what to tell him...
September 10th, 2011 at 09:18pm

story of my life (it sux)

to start things off my parents got divorced a couple of years ago a little bit after new years and when that happend we needed to sell our house... i thought in my head well my life just got ruined cuz my mom and dad were seperated my mom looked like the bad guy cuz she couldnt find a job n my dad was the one making my mom look like the bad guy cuz he found a condo that he and i could live in and...
September 5th, 2011 at 09:38pm