Zelda V. Magnifique!

Zelda V. Magnifique!
United States
Joined date
May 3rd, 2011

Nondescript Creature

Rebeccah. A girl on a mission to bring you stories. The girl comedies, fictions, and originals. What is not to love? Updates may be sporadic, but some of them are coming from a phone with a hella small keyboard. Trust that eventually this child will cater to all types of wants. She says she will start with fanfictions.

Okay now that my brain is done writing a classified about me I'll say it my way. Bexx. I love to write, inspire, and be inspired. I type with a teeny keyboard or a netbook(still hella small, right?) I write loads of different things and hopefully I can satisfy everybody.

I'll have you know that I love a whole lot of music and I bet if you ask I can tell you what I think. sometimes I need a good bit of prompting, so don't be afraid to ask if I'll update, cuz it'll prolly get me off my ass. <3 I'm in a kind of an Avenged Sevenfold fan, so I'll be working on some things including them, :D.

Man of the month (June): William Beckett
Song of the now: Nightmare- Avenged Sevenfold
General mood of the month: dorkalicious

Bexx and Co.