


I'm Araam. My birthday is July 29th, therefore making me a Leo. I was born in Ohio, and i still live there. I hope to move out of here as soon as possible.
I’m more matured than most my age. I’m really independent, I could live on my own already. I’m really a sweet person, but there are still people who choose to be rude to me. Despite everything, I still try my best to be nice to as many people as I can. However, I’ve been constantly put down, and I just don’t really care anymore. I don’t deserve half the shit people give me. My parents raised me to keep most of my comments and thoughts to myself, and doing so has kept me out of a lot of trouble. But sometimes, I can’t keep my mouth shut and I have to speak my opinons. My personal life does not concern you. I hardly ever go to anyone when I have a problem, I just let it be. I’m complicated, and no one ever understands me. I’m sarcastic with almost anything I say, don’t take everything so seriously. I also have the mouth of a sailor, if you don’t like it then leave. I’m not arrogant nor conceited, I’ve just gained a lot more confidence than I have had before. I’m not very intelligent, but I know enough. I get attached quickly to some people, but I’m not clingy. It makes me happy to know that I’ve made someone smile. It’ll take a lot to get me to like you personally. I’m very picky with everything.
- caffine, xbox live, music, owls, guitar, drugfree, kisses, dance, cuddling, vegetarian, nocturnal, odd, loud, gamer, cats. 0k.
