truth is?

Quick little thought that I thought I would share. So you all know about the little "truth is" trend on facebook? Like my status and I'll tell you what I honestly think of you. I never really got that, and then a few months ago, I saw one of my youth group friends post something on facebook that made me think and I really like her way of thinking when she says this, and I totally agree with her...
May 21st, 2012 at 08:12pm

are you happy now?

so i've been at my new school for nearly two months now and i adore it. it may seem cliche to say something like this, but i honestly think this is the best decision i could have made.i am so much happier here. i spoke to more people in the first week than i had in months at my old school. it is wonderful. almost everyone has been so welcoming and i adore my group of friends. the person i am, of...
October 23rd, 2011 at 07:22pm

three more days and i'm moving on....

Three school days left. While we're on that topic, here's my little countdown list.1. Three days left of school.2. Fourteen days until my 17th birthday.3. 6 days until I go to New York.4. 10 days until I leave this school forever.I'm switching schools next year. I can't stand mine. It seems irrational, but I've thought about it all year and I'm finally going through with it. I'm enrolling after my...
June 2nd, 2011 at 01:33am

School's Almost Over

Today was the seniors' last day. It'll be so weird tomorrow. We're losing 300+ students, and the senior hallway is going to be so deserted, which is going to be weird when I go to my first hour class in that hallway. Plus, since my creative writing class was mostly seniors in a senior/junior class, we'll have five people left. But it'll be heaps fun (whoah, australian terminology) since it's my...
May 20th, 2011 at 12:53am

May 5, 2011...

I have my AP Literature and Composition exam tomorrow. Oh my word I am not ready. Actually, I am, but I feel like I'm not. Do you know what I mean? I should probably take another practice multiple choice test though. I need the practice.It's a three hour test. We take the multiple choice section, get a fifteen minute break, and then write three essays. Doesn't that sound fun?! No. I get to skip my...
May 5th, 2011 at 02:48am