going to a show by myself. not a big deal at all...just awkward.

Tonight, one of my favorite local bands is playing at a really small venue about half an hour from where I live. I've been planning for weeks to go, BUT that was when I thought I would have a friend to go with and a license/car to take me there.Yep, things don't turn out the way you plan.Turns out I can still go if I want to...but there are some drawbacks. My mom would be dropping me off, and I'd...
August 7th, 2009 at 08:23pm

I failed.

So I haven't been on Mibba in the longest time. I used to be on here all the time - writing stories & journals, posting on the forums, interacting with people. Then I just...stopped.Well, I'm back, if only for this one journal entry. Turns out I need this - a place to vent where nobody I know irl will see it.I just failed my driving test.I JUST FAILED MY FUCKING DRIVING TEST. -curls up into a...
August 3rd, 2009 at 10:53pm