Feb. 3, 2008

I feel like I have lost a part me.She said "the trust is gone"It hurted me like hell. She doesn't even know how much pain that costed me. I cried myself to sleep that night. I don't even know why I'm crying over her. I mean, she's just a girl. And she's no one really special. But what if she is? All of these "what if's" just came into my mind.-What if she's special to me and i just don't realize...
February 4th, 2008 at 05:20am

Sunday; July 8, 2007...my thoughts.

How come when I give out too much love, I don't even feel loved at all? That's how much I really care.. that's how much I love... people just don't see me the same way I see myself... am I invisible? or am I even existing? do they care the same way I care for them? I don't even get the same amount of love and care I give to them... I just accept the hurt and pain... and deal with it.. they don't...
December 20th, 2007 at 12:46am

Here 'Til The End -a song by me!.

Wednesday; August 29, 2007. (i just moved this from my myspace blog.)(Its been a long time since I have written a new song....but here's a new one..... I really took my time on this one....it took me almost a week thinking about this....putting many ideas together....but decided into only one topic....I had someone on my mind while writing this......I hope everything will be alright...
December 20th, 2007 at 12:35am

Is It Too Late? -A letter.

[the reason I'm putting this up as a journal entry is because I want people to realize things. one= time is too short to take the time to do what you need to do. two= boredom can make you write these stuff..(LOL)... three= I don't really know what else to put.]Dear (Secret),I know this will be the biggest secret that I will reveal for this year... for the past years, I have looked on you as a...
December 19th, 2007 at 09:10am

I Would Do This For Her

[Just some crazy ideas typed (actually, cause I'm on my sidekick..)...I'll probably make this list longer..probably up to #100...so far its 45.][please comment....]-I recieved this on Febraury 10th of 2007 from a friend.... at the time on 8:27 P.M. pacific.1- Touch her waist.2- Talk to her.3- Share secrets.4- Give her my jacket.5- Kiss her slowly.6- Hug her.7- Hold her.8- Laugh with her.9- Invite...
December 19th, 2007 at 09:02am