IsayHi / Comments

  • also, yes, I did change my username from thelonelyhorse to Get Off My Lawn. I have no life.
    September 16th, 2011 at 04:26pm
  • so does this mean you have a longer time to work on the presentation or you still have to wait for your friend?

    Yes, I do have a new story but it's more of a past time thing. When I need to write something but I've got a writers block on my other stories. Just to keep me relaxed, knowing that I have other stories to care about. :) and thank you for reading and commenting. n_n

    and lots of lesbians to you too, long lost twin <3 lacey xoxo
    September 16th, 2011 at 02:08am
  • You should tell her to pick a genre and stick with it!
    September 15th, 2011 at 11:25pm
  • Bwahahahahahah you don't have to listen to the details of my incredibly sexy, ridiculous, messed-up, bipolar, perverted, Tinker Bell, lesbian life all the time, so consider yourself lucky.

    Don't you just hate it when you really want to kiss someone and they know you want to kiss them but you just [i]can't[/i] and you're gonna regret not doing it and a hug just isn't enough and they're not touching you in sexual places in public like they did yesterday and even though it scared you then you miss it now and they're leaving for FOUR FUCKING DAYS and they might not have phone service and their lips are so fucking delicious and you want to kiss them but you CAN'T because you just know that Simone would walk in at an awkward moment and tell EVERYONE that you were making out with that sophomore who you pretend just to be best friends with in the locker room and then everyone would realize that you were making out at the big sleepover for freshmen and sophomores too and then Abbie would realize that she was literally a foot away from you the whole time and she didn't even realize that the other girl was shoving her tongue down her throat for a good bit of time?!?

    I really miss that night.
    September 15th, 2011 at 02:07am
  • I might put it. I already have a legit reason. "Frank is stalking Maddy because of reasons" lol no.

    Yeah, that really sucks. Either they just know one song and that's it or they are judgmental. I mean, maybe not judgmental but... you know what I mean...

    yes, I know, already. I really want to get at least half way with Stalker and since I have the time in my hands... I try to make the best that I can :3

    Well then, good luck and lots of lesbian, Lacey xoxo <3
    September 15th, 2011 at 01:43am
  • That terrible! :O my friends are into MCR. They blame me for getting them into "dark music" xD one of them is totally obsessed and the other doesn't like to talk about them. My friends sorta ignore me and don't let me talk sooo... They don't really realize when I say stuff like that. My best friend is my cousin who actually introduced me to MCR so she is totally supportive of shirts and such. It's like the opposite with me. I told my mom I wanted 100 dollar killjoy jackets and she told me I was crazy, that I shouldn't waste my money on it. My cousin/best friend told me to go for it. She doesn't get al lot of opportunities for money earning so she is also jealous. I plan to get her Fun Ghoul's vest for her birthday. Shhh, don't tell her.
    September 15th, 2011 at 01:02am
  • heeyyy good idea!! ...Frank just might stalk you (in stalker of course).

    Fuck yess!!! None of my friends sing MCR unless I sing it really, really loudly. This is not right. ~shakes head~

    oh god, well, good luck and my wishes of success be with you!!! :D tell me how you fared :)

    ...It's 6:35 AM here. No, I'm not tired, but I'm going out later so yeah. And yes, I am already trying (I said trying) to write the next chapter for bth STalker and Trademark. whichever one goes first.

    xoxo with all my lesbians, Lacey <3
    September 15th, 2011 at 12:37am
  • You're so lucky! My mom says if I can't dress like that and if I tried to she would send me to a therapist. Blah. :/
    September 15th, 2011 at 12:23am
  • Well I was just saying that because your mom got on the computer and starting looking for the shirt right away. Maybe its just because you're the only girl. ;) you're really lucky that you have big brothers that broke your parents in. By now they're probably open to different music and such. My older sisters are both perfect little angels. I on the other hand cuss like a sailor, listen to music other than country like the rest of them, write on my arm, enjoy wearing black on occasion, and get in trouble at school(for little things of course). I am breaking them in for my little sister. It sucks that I get judged so harshly for who I am. They just don't get it. :(
    September 15th, 2011 at 12:06am
  • You sound like an only child. xD my mom doesn't like all the "emo" stuff. So she tries to ignore it I think. I keep most my music and stuff secret or on the down low. My parents would freak out if they started looking into it.
    September 14th, 2011 at 11:42pm
  • Oh god if my mom, or anyone that is, could hear my thoughts I would be either in a reform school or under house arrest. I would get grounded for sure. Just for stuff I thought.
    September 14th, 2011 at 11:23pm
  • Yeah I got them all on my iPod without my parent's knowing to avoid that issue!

    My mom knows I'm obsessed, she can't go a day without hearing the band name. I also write their names really big on my arm. :D she scolds me for it, she doesn't realize it gets me through the school day. -_- She looked up images of them in the summer and she confronted me about it. She was all like, "what's all that blood crap about?" I told her it was symbolism. She said, for what?" I couldn't tell her so I said it depends on who is looking at it. She hasn't talked to me about it since. xD then I somehow got her to take me to Hot Topic and she wouldn't get me the shirt that said Aim For The Head. But she did get me an MCR school pack! ^-^ sorry this was so long
    September 14th, 2011 at 11:20pm
  • Oh my god... xD that's just... rofl. I sing lines from songs at the dinner table. I started singing Na Na. She looked at me in disgust at "drugs gimme drugs" she asked if they were really the words. I said I had changed them and they were "hugs gimme hugs" like in Grace's cover. Now she is more worried about the way I think than the music I choose to listen to. Which is how it should be. :)
    September 14th, 2011 at 11:02pm
  • Oh wait! I got it!!! I know what MSI is. Yeah... That is awkward...
    September 14th, 2011 at 10:49pm
  • Yeah, that's why I made some! I wanted to eat it, nom. Glad your laptop is working again! ^-^

    Yup, that happens to me all the time. She comes in to get laundry and I don't notice, then I look up from whatever I am doing ad see her just standing there. My Chem is really morbid so a lot of the lines disturb her. She worries. I learn only to sing along when I know she isn't home. Lol, what's MSI? O.o
    September 14th, 2011 at 10:48pm
  • I just saw what I last wrote. Sorry, in the first sentence I said, "I say you updated on tumblr" I mean I saw you updated on tumblr.

    ugh, yes, that's happened to me. I mean, I just keep re-reading what I write, waiting for something to click.

    Aha, maybe, I might. I might even get him to wear a gray jacket for you! ...famous and rich. That just sounds like Gossip Girls, which I don't like. Oh well. Famous and rich. I guess it could work x)

    I drive everyone mad by singing Na Na Na. Lol. but I didn't today. I woke up and went to do my homework :p

    Okie dokie, lesbians, lacey <3 xoxo
    September 14th, 2011 at 02:20am
  • Oh that's cool. Sorry, I had an impulse to make cookie dough. :D
    September 14th, 2011 at 02:18am
  • *Vati
    September 14th, 2011 at 01:18am
  • Vatti, Fajja? Where is that one from?
    September 14th, 2011 at 01:18am
  • ahah, I say you updated on tumblr so decided to wait for your reply here :D

    O________o your brother's name is scott?! Don't tell me- he's got an ex called Envy?! ...well, at least you're the sensible one. :3

    awww, there's no need to repay me... and yes. I think we both are in a writers block moment... I guess it's a twincidence ;) but I hate the writers block with passion. COME ON!!!! ...oh well.

    ahah, I'm trying to get mikey out of Frank house right now, only I need a legit reason xP it's pretty much the same with Stalker... I want Frank out of Gee's apartment so that he can start stalking in the morning. Oh and yes. He'll be wearing the gray jacket. :D

    okay, many hugs and kisses to you, my dear, and lots of lesbians too.
    September 14th, 2011 at 01:04am