IsayHi / Comments

  • Yay! Your papa seems so nice. ^-^ is that your dad or you grandpa? Cuz my dad is Papa
    September 14th, 2011 at 12:52am
  • And it's cool that you haven't updated, I guess I am just impatient. I hope the block passes. It's no fun. :(
    September 14th, 2011 at 12:44am
  • I'm sorry, technology's a bitch. Thanks for telling my why though, I was getting a bit discouraged. ^-^ you're so nice.
    September 14th, 2011 at 12:42am
  • you work at a cafe? ...Stacey does too. You know, Scott's sister... *hint hint*

    and well, if you're talking about my course being expensive, yeah. I never gave thought to it though. But it will be a little expensive but oh well. fate.

    ...Ahahaha, holy shit, your reaction to Maddy being in Stalker is hilarious. I mean, in a good way!!! Like, as in, Mikey Way good way. lol wtf was that about. Mikey way good way? fuck... anyways. I don't really know why I named a character after you. I dunno. Guess I needed to repay you for writing memories :D

    Aha, yes, my long lost twin, I too lesbains you :D xoxo Lacey <3
    and yes. I will update Trademark soon. and you better update Memories soon too!!! or I will... I dunno. Eat more bread?
    September 13th, 2011 at 03:26am
  • Hey I miss your story update! I updated. I'm sorry for not doing so sooner. Sorry. :'(
    September 13th, 2011 at 12:56am
  • :) I just read fics on Mikey's birthday and play a lot of bass and eat. That's what I did for his birthday. I know, I totally suck, but I'm a lonely horse!! what am I suppose to do but do what I did? Oh yeah... went to sleep too.

    wow that's a hard up. AABBB? wow... but good luck :) I hope you pass. what course do you want to take? ...I think I want a chiropractor and then keep advancing until I get into criminology and stuff. But I might just take something lower. who knows.
    I talked to my mom and dad about Edinburgh the other day and my mom told me unless I had pounds of money (which I don't) I couldn't be able to live in scotland (she has some dark humor). I mean, I might be able to get a student's visa but I have to pay for that, then for my airplane tickets, then most likely I'll have to pay a cab and pay for the accommodations, then I'll have to enroll and I need money again for that. Wow. Well, I guess I'll just do my college here and wait for you to become famous :D
    okay, loads of lesbians to you too! ~lacey <3 xoxo
    September 12th, 2011 at 04:21am
  • Ahah, for some unknown reason to me, when you said dear lord, I couldn't stop laughing. oh well.

    And yes- I want to go to Scotland. Thing is, there's so much I have to do in order to go there- I'm pretty sure I need a visa and enough money to live and enroll into Edinburgh University. If I even pass lol. but whatever. When you become a famous writer, just remember me and drop by the Philippines sometimes :D
    lots of lesbains, Lacey xoxo <3 n_n
    September 10th, 2011 at 12:48am
  • and of course :) I am in lesbians with you too!!! ...I almost forgot that bread makes me fat. I've been eating a lot of bread. O_O god save me.
    September 9th, 2011 at 03:00am
  • "In a long-lost twin kind of way" ahaha, why did that make me laugh. Anyway, yeah.... I was telling my mom that I am seriously thinking about going to Scotland for my college and she gave me this "are you crazy?!!" look. I'm actually think about it.

    Yay, Umbrella Academy and (Oh yes) Scott Pilgrim?! We don't have those kinds of comic shops here, so wow :D So happy for you! Plus, it's close to you ^^

    hhhmmm maybe I don't need to move to Scotland before you could help me. the only way I can think of us writing together is over email :( why do we have to live so far away.

    anyway, I woke up really late (8:00 AM) and my hair is straight because my mom made me straighten my hair. oh well.
    :) keep safe, dear, and keep updating :D
    xoxo Lacey <3
    September 9th, 2011 at 02:58am
  • Actually, I saw Patrick and Panic! separate :3

    Brendon dedicated "Always" to the audience which was just fantastic because that's my favorite song from V&V. At the end he did a cover of "Carry On, My Wayward Son" by Kansas. I was at the back at that concert because my dad thought if we didn't go 6 hours early we'd still be fine. We were some of the last people there, but I still had an AMAZING time there. I went with one of my best friends. I've known her for about 10 or 11 years and I'm 13. We're both pretty much obsessed and it was her first concert.

    I didn't know they had a musical with The Proclaimer's songs... Interesting.... :D
    September 9th, 2011 at 12:07am
  • Spencer is way better :3 I couldn't choose between him and Brendon though.

    Patrick was AWESOME and so gorgeous. I was so fangirly. I screamed "I LOVE YOU PATRICK" and put a heart in the air and I got a smile :DDDD
    It was a small crowd. :3

    My Fair Lady is awesome! What's the first musical you've gone to see?
    September 8th, 2011 at 04:42am
  • So, my dear Maddy. fuck my calm attitude- I wish you were here with me!!! Because my goddamn writers block here has me here on Stalker... I could actually imagine you and me sitting in starbucks or something with my laptop out and you helping me write Stalker. why did we have to live so far away?! (holy shit, I made it sound like we're some sort of couple x[) ....don't mind me, I'm just sitting lol.
    P.S. I've missed talking to you :D
    September 8th, 2011 at 03:30am
  • Hello, I'd like to thank you for your comment on VEIN. As of now I'm taking a writing hiatus but when I begin writing again this story will be the first thing I work on. I really appreciate your comment:)
    September 5th, 2011 at 05:08am
  • O.o I don't know... that's quite odd. I would freak out if Ms. Loeppert found my writing...
    September 4th, 2011 at 12:13am
  • I definitely understand your ranting session. That just really sucks.

    The amazing thing about a high school sport... 1) best friends you'll ever make. 2) you can fall right to sleep. 3) the swimsuits are flattering. 4) if you do it right, you learn how to eat really healthy, and then you feel amazing. 5) you're in the best fucking shape of your life. 6) people respect you.

    It's just awesome.

    My story is not like that at all... In fact, Candy was trying to hook said BFF/lover up with some random boy (I went all GRR on her) and the conversation went something like this:

    "You! You're single, right?"
    "UH NO! No, I'm not!"
    "Do you have a boyfriend?"
    "Um... no..."
    "So you're single."
    "No! Alyssa is my girlfriend!"
    "Bullshit. I'm hooking you up with this guy!"

    20 minutes later, my unnamed friend and I were doing a duet of First Date... funnnnn :)
    September 2nd, 2011 at 04:18am
  • timetodaaaaance :) though my profile speaks truth, I am in fact officially quite bi, but since I'm head-over-heels really really in love with my best friend (idiotic, right?) I really can't deny the fact that guys don't interest me that much anymore.


    Just, happiness.

    I've always been one of those all-around overachievers... I swim too much, I'm in all Honors or Mixed Honors classes, and if it weren't for the fact that my bedtime is 8:30-9, I would be a royal fuck-up. More than I already am.
    September 1st, 2011 at 03:09am


    It's been a while... high school has commenced. No crazy homework yet, but swimming more than makes up for it. THAT'S crazy, but the fun parts are so awesome that it makes up for it.

    I still love chapter 3, and I'll admit openly that the first 14 or so chapters of Enemy suck.
    August 31st, 2011 at 02:18am
  • Thank you! I love getting tips on how to do that stuff. All y'all fanfiction people on here are so nice. :D you especially are cool! Thank you again! :)
    August 29th, 2011 at 10:58pm
  • *new update (I'm brain dead currently)
    August 29th, 2011 at 03:36am
  • Yes. I was hoping I didn't screw up the epic fight scene too much. I mean, it is kinda morbid with the ripping stomachs and her lust for gore, power, and death, but that is like her alter personality. Do you get that? Well whatever. There is more drama to come. And I will update this week for sure. Tuesday or Wednesday. And when I write a chapter I often write two because I just can't stop myself. I love the sense of accomplishment I get when I update. but it sucks when people dont comment. I mean, you are the only one on this knew update and it has been like two days! Sorry, ranting. I'll stop now. Thank you so much for the comment, it was very much appreciated. Now, to the homework! I wasted my weekend on the Internet. Stop ranting!!! Gah, I'm just gonna go now, before I start up again. Sorry.
    August 29th, 2011 at 03:35am