How do blogs work?

So I decided to start a blog just because but I'm not sure exactly waht to do now that I have it... I don't know what the first entry should be and who would actually read it and you know just that stuff but if anyone would like to give me any advice on it, it's more than welcomed! I'll add the link to my blog as well, which I literally JUST made so there's not even a profile picture or...anything...
December 6th, 2013 at 05:11am

*advice is welcome* JUST GETTING THIS OUT THERE

So I haven't exactly let anyone in on how desperate I am to get out of Chicago and just try and become a singer. No one knows how badly I want this. There's literally a pain in my chest right now because of how badly I just want it. But when you're so confidentless it's sort of hard to do. I have just about no confidence in myself. But I still want to do it. I mean I've been singing for as long as...
August 22nd, 2013 at 04:57am

Just go to the link if you don't want to read please.

So I don't think I've been on here in about a year. But I wanted to get back on here because I feel like this is probably the only ways I can get myself out there without having people that I know know about it. I made a youtube channel and I'm going to be starting videos of vlogs and covers and stuff. Just because I've been wanting to be apart of the youtube community for a while because it...
August 21st, 2013 at 05:07am

I need to jump already.

I know I'm aiming a bit high, and frankly I feel like I'm going to let myself down. This is why I need to let my parents in on what I plan to do in six months. I need their support. After my first week of high school I know I wont fit in, ever. I know what I want, I've been working on songs since I was eleven. I've wanted the type of life where I could be on the road constantly because I've never...
September 15th, 2012 at 06:11am

Couldn't sleep so I wrote this

So I've been pretty much wasting my whole summer which is never fun. I mean I wouldn't if I did have another choice, but I honestly haven't had anything to do all summer, so I'm more excited than I should be about band camp starting in two weeks, and then I'm also going on a family vacation that same week. Of course nothing like really out of the state...I don't think we're going out of state...
August 8th, 2012 at 08:12am

Feeling two ways about something that I can now feel just one way about. Finally.

Today I was video chatting with my friend and she told me how the boy I liked doesn't like me and he told his best friend that and he told my best friend who told me. I know thats hearsay but whatever it's in a form I do believe. I've thought about this boy every single day for the past two years, and I know it'll be a long time before I can go days without thinking about him, but I finally think...
June 21st, 2012 at 06:04am

She's only 7 and it's not fair

So I've decided that I really love talking about things that I feel. Maybe I should see a psychiatrist to talk about things like that, but since I can't afford that I'm going to do video blogs or vlogs I guess :) I'll explain more about them and what they'll consist of in the first video and I'll be posting the link to my channel in my next blog. But for now I'm going to talk about something a bit...
June 3rd, 2012 at 06:55am

Don't worry...Be happy ^-^

I am sooo happy. You know things are going good, like seriously. I'm going on a four hour road trip Friday for my class trip I'm presenting my mash-up of the graduations songs to my class tomorrow and I'm just happy. I might be tired (just a bit) and antsy (again just a bit) but that's all good. I'm going to be fine. I'll get sleep later tonight (possibly) and my nerves will be calmed (eventually)...
May 23rd, 2012 at 12:57am

Good music + Taking chances...for once

So i'm listening to this guy Ron Pope right now, and he's like so amazing, sort of blues-e and so amazing. This song Last First Kiss is so beautiful, and I've decided I'm doing a cover of it for sure!! I also discovered I love composing! I totally took over my graduation song and it's all up to me how it goes now! I'm so excited!! And I've decided I'm going to make covers on my youtube channel...
May 17th, 2012 at 04:48am

Should be studying but...

I probably should be studying for my test tomorrow, but I can't get my mind off of him. Just because I like a boy though doesn't mean I'm like every other cliche girl that likes a boy and will cry over him, and just wants a boyfriend to have one. I honestly haven't felt what I feel for him for anyone but him. I don't want to be able to call him my boyfriend or have him hold my hand in public or be...
May 3rd, 2012 at 04:30am

I am absolutely and entirely content

So today I walked into Science with the biggest smile on my face. I had skipped science like I do every Wens day to go to band. There was nothing special that happened that made me so happy I was just happy, because the past few days have just been great.Anyway I walked in and my teacher asked me why I was so happy. Then I saw him and light up just a bit more. I couldn't hide my smile and I just...
April 26th, 2012 at 04:14am

What do dreams even mean?

I had a dream last night, and I was in an auditorium, with a whole bunch of people, and the only person I recognized was my classmate which people say I like and I'm trying to to but I do. Anyway he was sitting next to me, and then he was leaning on me, and had his arm around my seat. You know when you put your arm around someones seat just to get to talk to the person behind them or next to them,...
March 10th, 2012 at 04:26am

That moment you realize for once everything's okay...

So I got accepted into the school that I've been wanting to go to since fourth grade and I was so happy when I got my letter I called everyone, and I posted it on FB and I was just so excited! I still am. Then while everyone was saying how proud they were and all of that I got a very unexpected congratulation from this girl who I thought was my enemy and who I've talked about so much, and it...
February 25th, 2012 at 06:05am

Glancing Gossip and Embarrassment oh my!

So I really don't know what to think. I'm over this boy already and I'm just waiting it out for someone to come along and sweep me off my feet because I shouldn't have to wait around. But then last week I think it was we're waiting for class to start, and we're waiting in the auditorium where everyone's crammed together, and he comes up and sits next to me. He never sits next to me so I'm assuming...
February 22nd, 2012 at 04:33am


You know sometimes I think that I'm more mature than my parents. It's not that I'm more capable of taking care of a household and I don't think that it's at all easy what they do, but sometimes the way they act makes me think that they really aren't as mature as they should be. Like just now I was coming out of the bathroom, and I hear my mom yelling at my dad that he never keeps it on one channel...
February 20th, 2012 at 03:51am

Call backs!!!

So all my high school applications have been sent my auditions have been done and now I'm just waiting. I'v applied to the best schools in my city for not only academics but music. I've just been waiting now for my letters which still wont come for another few weeks but I've got a call back. *-* I seriously wasn't expecting that one. I only have two days to prepare and I'm freaking out!!!! My mom...
February 16th, 2012 at 12:46am

Trying to be mad about this, but it all comes back to me and I'm pretty damn happy

So my friends have started this huge joke about me and this one boy. And you see this boy is a boy who I had a crush on for a long time but the crush eventually ended with a really good summer and realization. Let me start from the begging.Okay so I play in band and there's this one really annoying boy who sits next to me who's constantly talking to me. I'm not a mean person so of course I talk to...
February 11th, 2012 at 03:21am


Okay so everyone lately has had this fetish with mustaches and at first I was ignoring and I was like okay yeah I guess they're pretty cool, but you know what no they're not! If I see someone on the street or on the bus or ANYWHERE for that matter and they have a mustache I automatically think the dude is like a real creep! I know it might sound stereotypical and I think it's mostly because I...
February 10th, 2012 at 03:23am

What goes through my mind during test + on the bus

TEST:Okay let's do this! You got this! You're a genius! If they were to-Oh crap it's been 5 minutes I need to start!What? did we even go over this? let's see eenie-meenie-miney-mo...C it is! okay next question!Ahh! I have 20 more questions and an extended response!?! I only have like 30 minutes left!!! What is she putt-No!! get it together!Skip skip skip to the Lu skip to the Lu my darling! Crap I...
February 7th, 2012 at 12:47am

Dear 7 year old me,

I know it's hard and mommy and daddy are fighting all the time now. I know that you can hardly sleep and you're constantly nervous of what will happen next. Your brother and sister and hurting just as much as you are. Mommy and daddy still love you, it's just hard right now. I know. I know your brother is trying his best. It's okay. He's trying. Don't hide how you feel, it'll only make things...
January 27th, 2012 at 05:27pm