Well, distance is the only thing ..

Let me tell you something about me. I am a thinker. I think everything through, i analyse everything i say(dont mind my spelling) i make sure everything is prioritized. Its who I am.I JUST met this girl. she lives far away, but when i talk to her, i cant even prioritize my thoughts. every thought is mashed, and thrown around by an explosion of emotions. when i talk to her, she seems to, to like...
May 15th, 2011 at 04:11am

Answers are never clear, time is the guide!.

i suppose i am not really used to .. "journal" entries. I am not the type to share. But ever since i joined the site, it seems like everyone on here is AWFULLY nice. And i enjoy it when people are not judgemental. I have observed that everyone on this website has seen their pain. And I feel like any of you could, i guess, understand where i am coming from if i ever presented a problem. I am not...
May 14th, 2011 at 01:52am