Forgotten Memory. / Comments

  • CARLI!!!!!!
    February 10th, 2009 at 02:56am
  • hello! *waves*
    how have you been?!

    i can take a look on your story and if i have any ideas, i can help you with that, don't worry =P i can't promise you i'll have ideas, since i'm focused on my stories and other ones' stories, but i can try, okay?! =)
    February 9th, 2009 at 06:58pm
  • Hery dufus butt!
    Your in my new story :D
    January 21st, 2009 at 08:09pm
  • hey! *waves*
    how have you been?! =)

    well i know i've been gone for a while but i think that i was for a good reason, lol i had to study for my exam today, though it was harder than i thought, but i guess i can get over it now Who-ooH! lol

    anyway i was checking today and you haven't updated the stories you haev online in quite a while, what's wrong with them? are they complete? are you tired of them? or what else?

    oh well i guess i'm just curious, hope you don't mind x'D
    January 21st, 2009 at 02:52pm
  • Congradulations! I remember when I got my first converse. It was a great day :]
    January 16th, 2009 at 08:03pm
  • Nothing much, Nerdhead (*giggles* Nerdhead *snorts*) XD What's up with you?
    January 16th, 2009 at 07:19am
  • hey! *waves*
    how have you been?! =)

    well thanks for your comment =) and for reading my stories, you can comment them and say whatever is on your mind anytime XD

    of course i'll read yours =) i enjoy reading others' stories a lot =)
    i have to save them to my computer though, because i can only read them at home... but soon enough, i'll comment them, i promise! =)

    oh you write your stories on paper?! lol
    i mean some people type directly on the computer, but i can't do it either XD i have to write everything on paper first and then type it to my computer, i know it gives me a lot more work to do, but i don't fancy writing directly on the screen... it distracts me, and my mind is always busy with something else because there's so many things we can do on a computer, right? lol

    kiss *G
    January 15th, 2009 at 06:40pm
  • Your songfic oneshot is done and posted, so go read it and tell me if you like it. I must warn you though. It isn't my best work, but it is really late so yeah...
    January 10th, 2009 at 09:24am
  • hi there! ^^
    i'm sorry if i entered here without permission...
    i just found your profile somewhere around Mibba =P

    well, i have this new story, my first Frerard, called "A Kiss and I will Surrender", one of those crazy cheesy things that you acn't stop your mind from imagining =P

    i hope you can read it and comment it ^^

    i'd appreciate it.
    thank you.
    kiss *G
    January 8th, 2009 at 09:29pm
  • haha i totally get what you're saying
    December 22nd, 2008 at 02:02am
  • *huggles you till your eyes pop out* you're awesome you know that? I consider you my dearest friend here on Mibba and just talking to you makes me smile :] And don't worry, you're gonna get a songfic. I'll wait till early december (around the 4th) to give you the song list I have made, you can pick which song you want me to use and which MCR pairing you want and I'll write it over Christmas break. Theres only going to be one more chapter before the end of the contest, and one more chapter after that before I leave for break. I'd wright more but I have the ammune sysmtem of small child appearently and I keep getting sick (And I even got a flu shot!) But hopefully during break I'll write alot and actually get somewhere with my story lol And as a side note, I've actually began to write the second part of my Bray story *gasp* and [i]hopefully[/i] I can have that done before break is over...
    November 24th, 2008 at 12:52am