Teddy Bear

There really isn't anything interesting to know about me you know. I'm not an exciting person. I'm probably as lively as a twig. I have a wild imagination and sometimes I confuse my imaginary thoughts with reality. I have dreams. Lots of them. I want to be so many things. By the time I'm 25 I'll need to retire. I have 10 years to go, so I think I'll make it.

I'm a Junior in High School, and I like to read. I'm a total nerd, and I'm not afraid to admit it to anyone. I have very few friends, who really, shouldn't even want to talk to me. My hobbies are normal things, like dancing or swimming. I'm almost always laughing at something.

Dating isn't really one of my fortes anymore. I always end up loving someone who's either gay, taken, or doesn't want anything to do with me. So I stick being single, and cuddling with my best friends. Being warm is a quality I love about anyone I cuddle with. I like to walk in the cold, but I hate being cold. I like to sit and eat ice though, so I'm pretty weird.

I like bagles, and I eat them constantly once I can get my hands on them. That's why I'm so fat. But I'm working on that bit. Eating less and, well yea. Eating less cause exercise sucks. I'm also not white, but I don't want anyone judging me because I'm black. If you have a problem with it, stay away from me okay? Cause I hate drama and confrontation with a passion.

My Stories

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: Love Interest.

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: Love Interest.

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: Love Interest.

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: Love Interest.

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: Love Interest.

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: Love Interest.

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: Love Interest.

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: Love Interest.

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: Love Interest.

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: Love Interest.


No updates.

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Calli @ She Said Poptarts