pixie dusttt. / Comments

  • Grayscale

    Grayscale (100)

    It was great! yours?
    June 4th, 2012 at 09:20pm
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    well i mean they were close and stuff. its all explained in an interview. EDWARD?! REALLY?! Out of all the E names you immediately thought of that?? i really hope that was not his middle name. but i don't know what his name was. well your nose wasn't effective this time. well you did score because i did end up chuckling. who knows unless you try?? *smirks* i think its because girls have boobs and the fact that they elevate the chest and guys don't have that that they look better on them. OH NO! Of course not, we've already talked about this. i'm not going to get to that point. what if its my pinky and its not even to the end of my nail and i have nails that are smaller than the top of my fingers?? does that seem like a good size to you?? and i have really small fingers too. PROBABLY?! What do you mean by that?! I'll do it and still be awesome. i need to get my ears re-pierced first though because i gauged my ears once and my sister told me to take them out and then i didn't pit earrings after so they closed. awe, well that is a good thing to hear. stop it. you are embarrassing me. i'm sure it will be just as great! (:
    June 4th, 2012 at 04:41am
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    My favorite fruit? I can honestly say I don't think anyone has asked that before. But....hmm...I'll have to say oranges or relatives of an orange.

    How about you? What's your favorite?
    June 4th, 2012 at 03:33am
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    No problem c:
    June 4th, 2012 at 01:51am
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    whats so cute?? for him to write a song about Thomas?? YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET?! Where have you been?? ON PLANET MARS?! Just look at it. lol. haha well thank you, i'm about to fully read your comment right now and then comment back to it.

    Story comment: Thank you, and i noticed that it was a little small earlier today so i just decided to change it. yeah, but you have to do what you have to do, she is technically the boss and Jordan doesn't want to lose her job. haha no, its neither stupid nor mean?? i thought i clarified that she was a girl, but i guess not. i think it sounds more like a girl name but that's me. haha really?? you smell drama coming?? well you must not have a good nose because there isn't going to be any. or is there?? I KNOW! I want some too, but we don't have any at the house. that made me laugh even though you were talking about her being dead. is that wrong?? oh, i mean i'm fine when people share its just when they start crying or almost crying is when i back away. do you really think i meant to put those extra letters?? i did not, they did that all by themselves. i don't feel like changing it though. i'm sorry to disappoint, but the party isn't going to be in the next chapter. party isn't until chapter five. wow, i'm totally dragging that out. it'll quicken up i promise. your dress is so pretty! i'm sure that you wont care when you see it on poly. ME TOO SISTA! I crave it. oh haha you thought she meant that. she really didn't mean that at all, but i'm not going to tell you what she meant. OH I KNOW RIGHT?! He is super adorable! Asian with blond hair. its not like its never been done before. you never know how you look with it until you try. i'm going to be a full blond.what can i say?? i love chest tattoos on guys. on girls though, the mostly look bad. you're really going to bring Brian back into the picture?? him and Jordan weren't even anything but friends. yeah, i knew you were joking. lol. i love and want me some gauges. will you still love me?? haha, the comment very much satisfied me. *smiles* AWE! You don't know how much that means to me Nikki! You really think i'm a good writer?? I love you too. and i just have to wait until Friday so i'm good! (:
    June 4th, 2012 at 01:43am
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    Yay! Well good luck with the rest of it. ;D
    June 4th, 2012 at 01:06am
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    Ah, the bane of any school going person. Well, take lots of breaks. That's all the advice I can give you on homework. I hate it as well. :S
    June 4th, 2012 at 12:13am
  • Grayscale

    Grayscale (100)

    That's okay love
    June 3rd, 2012 at 11:36pm
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    yeah, I do agree. I need more comfortable pillows and more pillows in general. You are a really nice person so I guess I can let that slide. Okay, so you know that Alex has a half brother that died. the one who "lullabies" was inspired by. everyone thought his name was Daniel but it wasn't, its Thomas. Lex's tattoo has his initials next to the rose. so its kinda obvious. that's a cool analogy. i don't know, if i know its me it gets a little awkward. i mean, I've been a writer for a long time. ideas come very easily to me. I just want to know what happened between Lex and I before he got to Cass & Zack's house. awe, well good. i havent read it yet actually. i get distracted VERY easily, like its not even funny. its not like they did that much anyways. whatever. i understand. they need to get out their feelings. i would have made the situation a little lighter though. do it, i want him to realize! that is good. i need to know more. AWE! Well im going to post right after this comment! (:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 10:46pm
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    It is. So...what are you doing today?
    June 3rd, 2012 at 10:39pm
  • Grayscale

    Grayscale (100)

    I like pandas. yoU?
    June 3rd, 2012 at 09:59pm
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    Well they move around some times. You might get one close later in the summer. =)
    June 3rd, 2012 at 08:39pm
  • Anthem.

    Anthem. (100)

    United States
    THAT HUGE COMMENT TOOK ME ALMOST TWO FUCKING HOURS! WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! I MUST LOVE YOU A LOT! I mean who wouldn't want that body around and hes one of the few people that can pull off facial hair, that one time that he did have it and it wasn't a lot. ME TOO! AMEN! I want to "perfect relationship" hahahaha see what i did there?? lol. i'm corny stupid. your point is invalid. some pillows are so uncomfortable and i don't like them sometimes. i only have one comfortable pillow. well i know that, that's obvious. you'd think because of Thomas though he would not result to that. i have no idea what is wrong with them but i love them in every way. i mean i know that as well. i just didn't like it and no offense, that took you forever to think of?? poor Nikki! *sad face* blinded, i know that's what he was. I've been that way A LOT of times. haha oh, well thank you. me and my old friend Brittany came up with it when she was talking about her ex boyfriend. i think i came up with it, but i'm not sure and it just stuck with us. you could have made her say "Oh i'm sorry Alex, maybe you should have let Jordan explain herself" something along those lines. AH, i see. but they would never laugh at him because Jordan does love him. man, its still sometimes weird using my own name and when my sister skimmed when i was typing i think she saw my name too. BUT WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IS WHAT I'M ASKING?! You should do a full flashback montage in the next chapter. I EXPECT IT! That's not nice *sad face* what if I did that to you?! I'm sure that my story will do that to you. I've been having a lot of ideas since last night and some this morning. Eh, I see what you are saying, but sad Alex makes me want to cry. haha is that sarcasm i detect with the way Alex uses his words?? i want to re-read your chapter, is that bad?? not for you i know. i just love the chapter so much. you know what i just realized. i didn't read your authors note and i always do that. thank you so much for spreading the story out *smiles widely* o0o0o and what is this magical reality that you speak of?? i mean guys being the insecure one is a nice change, but it depends on the level of insecurity they have. ha, maybe they're the same height. that would be really funny. TWINNNNNNNNNNNZIES! BUT There's nothing really to say about Kellin and Jordan. nothing happened. they didn't even technically have a real kiss. who's feelings?? they don't have feelings for each other (Jordan and Kellin) i'm a little confused at who we are talking about. i don't think his bullshit is ever going to end. that's Alex, his bullshit always comes along for the ride. i mean who doesn't like drama when its not happening to them?? lol. you should know. and here's the thing Lex isn't grasping. He isn't like Zack or Rian or even Jack when it comes to relationships. OH GOD NIKKI! This is going to be horrible (in a very good way) NO! Lex is a drama QUEEN! AWE! Well you are so welcome and it was a pleasure (and pain in the ass) to write. you know that i will be very happy if you do or at least a very informative for the next one. i don't think i'm going to blow your socks like you did mine. *sad face* there isn't really any drama at all in my chapter. i do feel honored. There will be another one like it today right?? for my chappy?? i like long comments too even though i don't really get them, only give them.
    June 3rd, 2012 at 03:47pm
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    If you like medieval things than you should go. Basically, they are trying to recreate medieval times for your enjoyment. It's like going back in time. Of course, if you like weapons, Celtic jewelry, and period clothes, the fair/festival is the best place for it. You'll find just about everything there. =)

    Anyways, it's fun. I suggest you at least check one out, if there is one close to you. =D
    June 3rd, 2012 at 04:28am
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    I went with my family to a medieval festival. It was fun, but it rained some while we were there. Surprisingly, I didn't get anything.
    June 3rd, 2012 at 03:09am
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    I know. It just seems that I keep making friends that don't like roller coasters besides the Ferris Wheel and slides. I guess that's because they are the artisty sort of people. Not saying all artists don't like roller coasters, just my friends. XD

    So how was your day?
    June 3rd, 2012 at 02:10am
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    Well, I would if my friends were into roller coasters as well. I'm the only one out of all of them that like roller coasters. D= The next time I'm anywhere near Six Flags, I'll just go even if I'm alone.
    June 3rd, 2012 at 01:51am
  • seized ships

    seized ships (100)

    United States
    Thank you very much for the comment! The update will be very soon - when I'm done with a couple more chapter so I can update freely, I'll definitely post it up. :)
    June 2nd, 2012 at 04:12am
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    Sounds like you had a lot of fun. C:

    I've actually never been to Six Flags, mostly because there isn't one close to where I live.
    June 2nd, 2012 at 03:27am
  • Under.An.Eclipse

    Under.An.Eclipse (100)

    United States
    Well, it helps with the burning and healing. But if you have any cream it is better than nothing. =D

    So...what was your favorite part/ride/thing?
    June 2nd, 2012 at 03:09am